International workshop on sustainable development

International workshop on sustainable development

On February 16 - th 2024, an international workshop “MANAGEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: EXPERIENCE OF THE EU AND KAZAKHSTAN” was held at Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
(as part of the Erasmus+ project Jean Monnet 101082914 -EPOS- ERASMUS-JMO-2
2022-2025 EPOS “European practice of managing sustainable development towards green transformation”), in which KazakhstanI and foreign scientists, public authorities, business representatives, financial workers, experts, teachers took part in online and offline formats; students, Master students and PhD students of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz were actively involved. The following speakers have made their reports:



1. Utebaeva Altyngul Bolatovna, Deputy Director of the Secretariat for Sustainable Development Goals of Economic Research Institute - “Financing in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Astana, Kazakhstan);

2. Olga Popova - senior researcher at the economic department of the Institute for Studies of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe named after. Leibniz (Regensburg, Germany) and researcher at the IZA-Institute of Labor Economics (Bonn, Germany), deputy editor of the journals “Population Economics”, “Journal of Happiness Research” and “Comparative Studies of South-East Europe” - “Sustainable Management in Europe: Basic programs and practices" ;

3. Tamara Ratz - Head of the Department of Tourism, Professor of Tourism at the Janos Kodolany University (Budapest, Hungary) - “The role of education and the formation of attitudes towards sustainable tourism development”;

4. Galina Kupalova – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Environmental Management and Entrepreneurship, Natalia Goncharenko – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Department of Environmental Management and Entrepreneurship of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev (Kiev, Ukraine) – “Training of environmental managers in the context of sustainable development: experience of Ukraine";

5. Beisekeyeva Indira Zhomartovna - Head of the Secretariat of the National Contact Center of Kazakhstan, Economic research institute - "Practice of implementing OECD standards of responsible business conduct in Kazakhstan" (Astana, Kazakhstan);

6. Marina Schiller - International Sales Trainer ICF, President of the Association of Entrepreneurs and Mediators of Kazakhstan (Karaganda, Kazakhstan), invited expert of the Academy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda regional branch, Member of the Commission on Affairs women and family and demographic policy under the akim of the Karaganda region, deputy chairman of the Association of Business Women of the Karaganda region, member of the commission on youth affairs under the akim of the Karaganda region - “Corporate social responsibility of business in the context of sustainable development of the region”;

7. Shpilchin Dmitry – Member of the Board of OJSC Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan, Deputy Chairman of the Board for IT - “Sustainable banking business in Kyrgyzstan”;

8. Kalkabaeva Gaukhar – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Finance of Karaganda University named after Academician Buketov E.A. (Karaganda, Kazakhstan) - “Sustainable Finance”.

We thank all participants for their interesting and informative reports, fruitful cooperation, desire to share their knowledge and keen interest in the topic of sustainable development!

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