The University staff took an active part in the round table on youth employment in Karaganda

The University staff took an active part in the round table on youth employment in KaragandaOn June 24, 2024, employees of the Career and Professional Development Center of our university took part in an event organized by the Center for Labor Mobility in the Karaganda region. The round table actively discussed key issues of employment of young people who have lost or remained without parental care until adulthood. It was a great opportunity to share experiences, listen to expert opinions and contribute to the development of graduates' career prospects.

This is an important initiative aimed at supporting young people in difficult life situations. The round table discussed mechanisms of integration into society, educational and employment opportunities, as well as support from government and public organizations.

The Center for Labor Mobility in the Karaganda region presented the following programs to the participants of the round table:

"Youth practice" - work to gain initial professional experience;

The Generational Contract is a workplace that is created to transfer accumulated experience from existing employees of pre–retirement age to graduates of colleges and universities.

"First workplace" is a job for gaining experience at the first workplace for young people without professional education

"Community service" is a socially useful job that does not require professional education for schoolchildren and students over the age of 16 during the holidays

We are confident that such events contribute to the formation of a successful career for our students, help them find the best options for professional development. We thank the Career Center for the initiative and the opportunity for our employees to contribute to the training of future leaders!



The University staff took an active part in the round table on youth employment in Karaganda The University staff took an active part in the round table on youth employment in Karaganda
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