Visit of the National Erasmus+ Office’s Coordinator

Visit of the National Erasmus+ Office’s Coordinator

On June 18, 2024, coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office in Kazakhstan Laura Paluanova visited the Kazpotrebsoyuz University.

In the framework of the visit there was a meeting with the top management of the university. In addition, Laura Paluanova held an information session for the faculty members of the university. During the session participants discussed recommendations for preparing competitive project applications and implementing existing projects within the Erasmus+ program.

It is worth noting that Kazpotrebsoyuz University is a leading HEI in Kazakhstan for successful Jean Monnet project applications. Currently, among ongoing international projects there are Jean Monnet Module “European practice of sustainable development management towards green transformation” (EPOS), Jean Monnet Module “The European Union migration policy” (EUMP), and Jean Monnet Module “Modern eco-technologies of sustainable development: the experience of the EU and Kazakhstan” (METOD). In addition, we participate in the implementation of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education projects “Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries” (MIETC) and “Development of Innovative Curricula and Modules in Circular Economy and Sustainable Development” (CirculEC).



Visit of the National Erasmus+ Office’s Coordinator Visit of the National Erasmus+ Office’s Coordinator
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