Expert opinion: the role of culture in economic development

Expert opinion: the role of culture in economic development

Today, the Kazakhstanskaya Pravda newspaper published an article by the rector of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Yerkara Aimagambetov, entitled "Culture matters". In it, the author examines the question of what is the basis of society — the economy or culture.

Aimagambetov notes that, despite the traditional view of the economy as the basis of society, culture plays an equally important role. It shapes the thinking, behavior and principles of doing business, influencing the economic development of countries.

The author provides examples demonstrating how cultural traditions and values affect economic processes and labor productivity. He emphasizes that for the successful development of society it is necessary to take into account cultural characteristics and integrate them into economic activity.

The article invites readers to think about the relationship between culture and economics and how cultural factors can contribute to or hinder economic progress.

The full text of the article is available on the website of the Kazakhstanskaya Pravda newspaper


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