Psychology in education: meeting with an expert

Psychology in education: meeting with an expert

Students of our university have a unique opportunity to meet regularly with professionals working in various fields. These meetings help students expand their knowledge, learn more about the profession and get valuable advice from experts.

So, on November 27, 2024, students of the OP "Psychology and Management in Education" took part in an online meeting with Dayrova Botagoz Alievna, a psychologist at the National Scientific, Practical, educational and Wellness Center "Bobek" (Almaty). Botagoz Alievna, the winner of the republican contest "The Best psychologist of the Year", shared her experience in the social sphere and education, told about her practice and answered students' questions.

The subject of the discussion was the activity of a psychologist in an educational environment. Students learned a lot of interesting and useful things about the specifics, purpose and content of the work of a psychologist in educational institutions: psychodiagnostic, psychocorrective and counseling work of a psychologist, about current problems of modern adolescents and methods of psychoprophylactic work with them.

The students noted that such meetings inspire, help to better understand the specifics of the profession and motivate for personal and professional growth.

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz continues to create opportunities for students to communicate with professionals, strengthening the link between theory and practice.

We thank Botagoz Alievna for her professionalism, interesting and useful information!



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