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  • Report about the event of «The day of accountant» for students of speciality «Accounting and Audit» and students KÈBP KÈUK October 7, 2016 year

Report about the event of «The day of accountant» for students of speciality «Accounting and Audit» and students KÈBP KÈUK October 7, 2016 year

Report about the event of «The day of accountant» for students of speciality «Accounting and Audit» and students KÈBP KÈUK October 7, 2016 yearOctober 7, 2016 year of the Chair of «Accounting and Audit» in the framework of career and educational work carried out «The day of Accountant» for students of speciality «accounting and audit» and students KÈBP KÈUK profile specialty.

«The day of accountant» was held in accordance with the following programme:

1) Grand opening premium «Wise Owl of bookkeeping-2016» (aud. 105). Opening remarks by the head of the Chair of  «Accounting and Audit», candidate of economic sciences, Professor  Madieva K.S.

2) Speaking of candidate for Masters’ degree of the 2 course of  speciality «Accounting and Audit» with presentations and screenings of videos about the accounting profession.

3) Carrying out the Quiz «Erudite» for students in KÈBP KÈUK.

4) Awarding the diplomas of the nominees and winners of the award «Wise Owl of the bookkeeping-2016».

Responsible for Department

«Accounting and audit»

for career-guidance work

master degree., lecturer

Sabirova M.A.

Report about the event of «The day of accountant» for students of speciality «Accounting and Audit» and students KÈBP KÈUK October 7, 2016 year Report about the event of «The day of accountant» for students of speciality «Accounting and Audit» and students KÈBP KÈUK October 7, 2016 year
Report about the event of «The day of accountant» for students of speciality «Accounting and Audit» and students KÈBP KÈUK October 7, 2016 year Report about the event of «The day of accountant» for students of speciality «Accounting and Audit» and students KÈBP KÈUK October 7, 2016 year
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