Student conference of SMM

Student conference of SMMOctober 21 this year from 14.00 to 15.00 in the auditorium. №103 Department of Economic Theory and GMU Provo conference among students majoring SMU (1-4 year) "Scientific potential of youth - the future of Kazakhstan" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The aims and objectives of the conference:
- Attracting talented young people to the solution of topical scientific issues;
- Determination of the best research work, the authors of the award;
- Formation of students' skills in teaching and research activities.
10 scientific papers have been admitted According to preliminary results of the selection committee to participate in the conference. As a result of speaking at conferences was won prizes: First place - Azman H. MCM-42, supervisor - Ph.D., Associate Professor ZK Zhanbekova, second place - E. Қadyrbay. GMU-32k supervisor - Master of Economic Sciences EB Bukatov, third place - Құnanbaev S. GMU-11k supervisor - Master of Economic Sciences H. Ertay. Students Data Works awarded with diplomas and recommended for publication in the collection of articles KEUK student conference


Student conference of SMM Student conference of SMM Student conference of SMM
Student conference of SMM Student conference of SMM
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