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  • Round table on the theme "Development of alternative boarding schools of medical social services to persons with mental illness and mental disorders"

Round table on the theme "Development of alternative boarding schools of medical social services to persons with mental illness and mental disorders"

Round table on the theme "Development of alternative boarding schools of medical social services to persons with mental illness and mental disorders"On 9 December held a round table in which have taken part student of group SW-32 Shataeva Nazim in Astana. The participants of the Round table "Development of alternative boarding schools of medical social services to persons with mental illness and mental disorders" — the representatives of Executive and legislative authorities, heads and specialists of healthcare and social development, government agencies, representatives of consumers of mental health services, research centres and universities, heard and discussed the reports and communications on the issue. The organizers of this project was the NGO "ASRU" — NGO "Association of social workers, disabled people and volunteers" supported by a Grant from the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan.
After the event, the roundtable participants visited the exhibition "I DECIDE — I LIVE in" based on real stories of people with disabilities. Exhibition of Bulgarian authors Hope Georgieva (NAD) and Yana Burer Tavanier is carried out in the framework of the "Next step" Centre Bulgaria-for-profit Law (BCNL) with the support of Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan. The exhibition consisted of 16 visual blocks of text that tell the real stories of people with mental health problems, whose life changes for the better after the adoption of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. "I solved = I live in" was shown in many countries; it is highly relevant for Kazakhstan, where people with mental health disorders remain one of the most socially vulnerable groups of the population.


Round table on the theme "Development of alternative boarding schools of medical social services to persons with mental illness and mental disorders"

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