Seminar "Hong Kong is your corporate platform in the Asia-Pacific region"

Seminar "Hong Kong is your corporate platform in the Asia-Pacific region"March 29, 2017 teachers of the Department of WE and IR Arystan M.I., Talimova G.U., Shukusheva E.V., and students of the specialties "World Economy" and "International Relations" took part in the seminar "Hong Kong is your corporate platform in the Asia-Pacific region", organized and held by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region in cooperation with the official foreign trade authority of Hong Kong - the Council for the Development of Trade.
During the seminar were considered specifics of China's economic development at the current stage, the direction of development of China's industrial production and consumer market, the specifics of conducting joint business of domestic enterprises with Chinese companies, the advantages of taxation in Hong Kong, the functions of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council in assisting Kazakh companies in searching Suppliers and business organizations in China.

Seminar "Hong Kong is your corporate platform in the Asia-Pacific region" Seminar "Hong Kong is your corporate platform in the Asia-Pacific region"
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