ІХ Republican subject Olympiad

ІХ Republican subject OlympiadOn April 13-14, 2017, the second stage of the IX Republican Subject Olympiad (RPO) was held at the Almaty Technological University among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, specializing on "Technology of food products", in which 12 teams from 10 universities of Kazakhstan participated.
A team was announced from the KEU under the guidance of the teacher of the department " Commodity Science and Certification " Zhar Zhanna.
As a result of the Olympics, the KEUK team was awarded with the diplom of II degree, as well as valuable prizes. The winner of the personal championship was Asylkhan Janel (TPP-22k). On behalf of the rector of the Almaty Technological University T.K. Kulazhanov the rector of the Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsouz Aimagambetov E.B. was sent a letter of thanks for the active participation of team in the second stage of the IX Republican subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty 5В072700 – "Technology of food products".
Congratulations to the winners!


ІХ Republican subject Olympiad ІХ Republican subject Olympiad ІХ Republican subject Olympiad
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