Accountant - a profession for ages and prospects!

Accountant - a profession for ages and prospects!In the minds of many, the accountant profession is associated with routine work, endless numbers and a complete lack of creativity. To refute these unfair rumors can only be demonstrated by irrefutable arguments. So, any accountant in the morning cheerfully jumps out of bed without the slightest hint of monotony and grayness of life: his life is filled with meaning and joy. Joy in the sense that it is always needed by people, businesses need and their earnings are based only on their own abilities!
And yet - this work is connected with boundless creativity, because to direct the financial activity of the enterprise in the right direction, taking into account the realities of modern business is impossible without extraordinary thinking and creative talent!

All accounting work is limited to the framework of laws and standards. But this is the creative side of the process - to build accounting between the regulatory milestones in a way that optimizes taxation, and intelligently cut costs, and increase the company's revenues. At a large enterprise this is not any easier than piloting a spaceship! Of course, in this case, this is slightly beyond the scope of accounting and is called financial management. But the question - who of the accountants did not solve such problems? And if he did not decide, then who prevents to prove himself in this? After all, any manager will be such a help only happy!
And take the automation of accounting and the construction of accounting policy! That's where the field of activity is for fantasy and creativity, where the accountant will feel himself on a par with the best artists and musicians in the world!
What else is the profession of an accountant attractive? That this is a constant development. Here a lot depends, of course, on a person's desire.
To date, an accountant in business is, in general, a multi-owner. He closes all vacancies, which the employer either does not want, or can not be spent at the moment. A good accountant can perform the functions of an economist, financial analyst, logistician, manager and lawyer!
Without an accountant, one can not imagine any modern company - it is necessary for any organization. In general, we can say that the accountant (especially if it is a good specialist) is currently one of the most popular and sought-after occupations among economic specialties.
Workdays of this employee, as a rule, take place in the office. But it also happens that one specialist can keep a record of several firms at the same time. Among accountants, this way of working is quite popular.
An ordinary specialist in the future can get the position of chief accountant of the company or become a financial director. You can go beyond the profession and continue your work in some related field, for example, take the position of an auditor or financial director.
As in any field, many begin to gain experience with the student's bench. But even without the experience, you can start your career from the starting position in a small firm. For example, from the position of assistant accountant. After a while, having practiced, the specialist will be able to claim a more paid and serious position.
Usually the enterprise either has a special department engaged in accounting operations, or enters into a contract with a third-party organization (outsourcing). The head of the department is the chief accountant, except for him, there is a deputy and ordinary accountant.
At enterprises, specialists work in the following areas: cash, fixed assets, currency transactions, payroll, warehouse. But, depending on the size of the enterprise and its workflow, the functions can be combined. And if the firm is small, one person and at all can be responsible for all at once!
After all, it turns out that counting money is not only pleasant, it can be earned for yourself and for life, and if apart from this useful skill you still have to understand all accounting issues and tax policy, then you risk becoming an invaluable worker and the most respected person on Enterprise. And this means getting high wages!
You can get this profession at Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz, applying for specialty 5В050800 "Accounting and Audit". We invite all comers to choose our university and acquire the specialty demanded in market conditions!

Master of Accounting and Auditing,
Senior Teacher of the Department
"Accounting and Audit" Sabirova MA

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