Developing educational space and cross-cultural dialogue between Russia and Kazakhstan

Developing educational space and cross-cultural dialogue between Russia and KazakhstanOn May 30, 2017 in Karaganda vectors and trends of development of educational space of Russian and Kazakhstani peoples have discussed.
In Kazakhstan, on the basis of the lead regional educational institution – the Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz – the international round table "Educational space in cross-cultural interaction between Russia and Kazakhstan" has taken place, and also there has been presented the remote platform on studying of Russian language. The Fund of social-economic development "Eurasian commonwealth" has acted as the main organizer of the event. The Russian and Kazakhstani experts in the educational and cultural relations, directors of local schools have taken part in discussion about educational space.

Developing educational space and cross-cultural dialogue between Russia and Kazakhstan Developing educational space and cross-cultural dialogue between Russia and Kazakhstan Developing educational space and cross-cultural dialogue between Russia and Kazakhstan

The main vector of discussion has been set in the welcome address of the president of The Fund of social-economic development, the vice rector of Southern Ural state university on international activity, prof. Victor Katochkov. He has noted that the idea of the international round table is caused by the growing attention to problems of education, interactions in the conditions of globalization, economic integration, harmonization of sociocultural space on the Post-Soviet territory. "Cross-cultural dialogue between Russia and Kazakhstan needs to be continued. And its implementation is possible through science and education, development of the general cultural heritage, expansion of their accessibility for youth", – Victor Katochkov said.
Professor of the Karaganda economic university Ayapbergen Taubayev in his report has focused on the priority directions of cooperation of Kazakhstan and Russia within the scientific-educational space of EEU.
The report of assoc. prof. Dmitry Ulybyshev has been devoted to a problem of development of modern cross-cultural communications in educational process of Russia and Kazakhstan.
Considering spirituality as a strategic resource of Kazakhstani society, prof. Marina Klishina has noted that today we observe that nowadays industrial-innovative Kazakhstan is developing on the secular principles.
Experts have paid attention not only to modern realities of cross-cultural and educational dialogue between Russia and Kazakhstan, but also to the main historical milestones in development of the Russian-Kazakhstani relations. The report of prof. Igor Sibiryakov has been devoted to it.
The representative of Chamber of businessmen of the Karaganda region Elena Petrenko has noted that economic cooperation between our people is practical continuation of dialogue between cultures and civilizations. Such humanitarian dialogue is capable to help not only with strengthening of spirituality, but also with overcoming an economic crisis, danger of collision of world civilizations.
In conclusion of the discussion prof. Victor Katochkov has emphasized need of use of Russian language for sociocultural space of Russia and Kazakhstan. Exactly in its frameworks cultural-creative activity and cross-cultural communication is carried out today. And all these recommendations will be promoted by the remote platform started by “Eurasian Commonwealth” fund for studying of Russian language.

At implementation of the project money of the state support allocated as a grant according to the order of the President of the Russian Federation (No. 68-рп, 05.04.2016) on the basis of competition held by National charity foundation are used.

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