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  • 19 October 2017 at the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz held the XVI national Olympiad in Economics "THE THIRD MODERNIZATION OF KAZAKHSTAN: GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS"

19 October 2017 at the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz held the XVI national Olympiad in Economics "THE THIRD MODERNIZATION OF KAZAKHSTAN: GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS"

19 October 2017 at the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz held the XVI national Olympiad in Economics "THE THIRD MODERNIZATION OF KAZAKHSTAN: GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS"

The competition was organized with the aim of unlocking the creative potential of students, future specialists in different spheres of national activities in the field of Economics and management, enhance the economic prestige of the professions, stimulating creativity and scientific activity of students.
In the competition took part 8 teams from different cities representing the leading UNIVERSITIES of the country. After 3 rounds, the result of intense struggle the winners permission of the traffic police at the time of the competition:
3rd place was team 3: 1.Team "UNITED KGU" - Kokshetau state University named.Sh.Ualikhanov, supervisor E. Utegenov.To.

19 October 2017 at the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz held the XVI national Olympiad in Economics "THE THIRD MODERNIZATION OF KAZAKHSTAN: GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS" 19 October 2017 at the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz held the XVI national Olympiad in Economics "THE THIRD MODERNIZATION OF KAZAKHSTAN: GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS" 19 October 2017 at the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz held the XVI national Olympiad in Economics "THE THIRD MODERNIZATION OF KAZAKHSTAN: GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS"

1) Yerlan Kenzhebekov
2) Musin Daulet,
3) Hairulla That
4) Camille Sanguine,
5) Nurken Nazir M.

2.Team "Ready to win" - Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, And scientific Director Omarova.T.

1) Alexander Milov
2) Konstantin Kim
3) Bigaliev Marat
4) Vladislav Shepherds

3.The team of "KAZYNA" JSC Kazakh Academy of transport and communications named. M. Tynyshpayev, supervisor Aydin Aldali Kaltaev.

1) Dinara Mendybai
2) Meruert Cptio
3) Makpal Elubaj
4) Erimbetova Aizhan
5) Aigerim Kulmatova

2nd place-2 teams:
1.Team "CASH FLOW" - Karaganda state University.E..Buketov, supervisor Akbaev Erbolsyn Tursynovich.
Saiyan Saulele Of Zhekenov
Zhumazhan Kumarovich.
Nurbek Akhmedov Almatovich
Rasul Muhambetzhan Sholtyrovich,
5)Bekzhan Aubele Temirbekov

2.The team of "Great quality" - JSC "Narkhoz University" supervisor Markelov Maria.
1)Abdilda Gaziza Kanatovna
2)Meus Vadim Petrovich
3)Ainura Rahimzhanova Alimzhanovna
4)Alina Abaevna Utegenova
5) Gala Evening Dedicated To Aikerim Almasovna

1 place took the team "Leaders for tomorrow" - West-Kazakhstan innovative University of technology, Faculty of languages and management, scientific Director Tulegenova Ainagul Utegenovna.
1)Aisulu Kosdauletova Turarbekova.
2) Backstory Abylai Kenzhetayev.
3) Kurmashev Nurhat Maratovich.
4) Rakhimov Oleg Chachamovich.
5) Nurbolat Janbulatov Of The Seven.

3D тур КЭУ