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  • Intellectual competition «Игі іс мамандығы», devoted to celebration of Day of workers of social sphere

Intellectual competition «Игі іс мамандығы», devoted to celebration of Day of workers of social sphere

Intellectual competition «Игі іс мамандығы», devoted to celebration of Day of workers of social sphere In the framework of the implementation of the plan of vocational guidance Department, as well as the celebration of the Day of social workers October 20th, 2017y. in the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz chair of the SW and the APK held intellectual competition «Игі іс мамандығы».
The participants demonstrated professional competence in social situations, the development and presentation of social projects.
According to the results of intellectual competition winners in the nominations are:
- «Best video» team «Ақ тілек» students KEUK;
- «Interactive poster» team of «Аялы алақан» students from Karaganda Bank College;
- «Best presentation» team «Rays of goodness», the students of the Central Academy.
Winners of the intellectual competition were awarded diplomas:
Diplom of I degree - team «Rays of goodness», the students of the Central Academy. Diplom of II degree - team «Ақ тілек» students KEUK; Diplom of the III rd. degree - the team «Аялы алақан» students from Karaganda Bank College.


Intellectual competition «Игі іс мамандығы», devoted to celebration of Day of workers of social sphere Intellectual competition «Игі іс мамандығы», devoted to celebration of Day of workers of social sphere Intellectual competition «Игі іс мамандығы», devoted to celebration of Day of workers of social sphere
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