Astana Innovations Challenge

Astana Innovations ChallengeFor the last three days from 20 to 22 October 2017, the team of the Ka-raganda economic University has participated in the Astana Startup Weekend it was the sixth event of the project Astana Innovations Challenge, launched by the Akimat of Astana city, JSC "Astana Innovations", a Business incubator MOT. Team KEUK after the first presentation of the project "Meet and Cuidе" hit the top ten and successfully reached the second round.
More than 30 start - up teams from different Universities of our country in the framework of these events have presented their innovative projects in the field of tourist services and urban information systems, these projects are ready for the implementation. At the informal business communication on the sidelines of the event, the mentors have shared their experience of beginning, getting and running their own business, gave advices to budding entrepreneurs and revealed some hints of his success in the educational sessions.


Astana Innovations Challenge Astana Innovations Challenge Astana Innovations Challenge

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