Seminars Springerlink

Seminars SpringerlinkOn October 27, 2017 teachers and employees of Karaganda economic university participated in a series of free seminars organized and held on initiative and order of Committee of science of Ministry of Education and science. The purpose of seminars was development of competences and skills of teachers and researchers in operation with abstract databases and scientometric tools. The scope of seminars was devoted to operation in the Springerlink system in the following main directions: 1. Use of the Springerlink system for carrying out scientific research; 2. Selection of journals and articles on research subjects; 3. How to prepare qualitative article and to publish it in rating foreign journals". Within the seminars on specific examples retrieval opportunities of the system were shown, explanations concerning the organization of operation in it are made. Also general information about the modern trends in science and scientific publications was provided to participants of seminars.


Seminars Springerlink Seminars Springerlink
3D тур КЭУ