Visiting session in the House of «Friendship» KSI «Kogamdyk kelisim»

Visiting session in the House of «Friendship» KSI «Kogamdyk kelisim»Department of SW and ANK within the framework of the discipline of the Value «Mangilik El» held an off-site training in the House of Friendship of KSI «Kokamdyk kelisim» of the apparatus of the akim of the Karaganda region on the theme «Culture of interethnic communication» for students of the group GMU-12. The following issues were considered: 1. Historical roots of the culture of interethnic communication in Kazakhstan; 2. Culture of interethnic communication as a result of national policy; 3. «Mangilik El» - the idea of national consolidation, interethnic communication and public consent. The students got acquainted with the activity of the Friendship House of KSI «Kogamdyk kelisim» of the apparatus of the akim of the Karaganda region. The lesson was conducted by the chief specialist of KSI «Kogamdyk kelisim» of the apparatus of akim of the Karaganda region Malayev D.B. An excursion was conducted for the students and they got acquainted with the ANC documentation.


Visiting session in the House of «Friendship» KSI «Kogamdyk kelisim» Visiting session in the House of «Friendship» KSI «Kogamdyk kelisim»

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