The international forum within "Cooperation" network university

The international forum within "Cooperation" network university

On November 9 within "Cooperation" network university on initiative of Belarusian trade and economic university of consumer cooperation and with assistance of Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Poltava university of economy and trade, Siberian university of consumer cooperation and Tajik state university of commerce in online format the "Problems of Electronic Business" international scientific and practical conference and the third Pisarenko readings "Efficiency of the sphere of the commodity address and work" have been held.
Welcome speech to KEU guests and conferees was addressed by vice rector Dr.Econ.Sci., professor G.E. Nakipova. Within the "Problem of electronic business" section meeting with the report "Feature of the educational information environment of training of specialists of the IT-market and market of electronic commerce on the basis of technology of distance learning" director of the Center of distance learning Cand.Econ.Sci. N.M. Tazhbayev has acted. In work of the section devoted to the third Pisarenko readings with the report "Development of a food retail in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects" Cand.Econ.Sci., professor S.N. Ulakov has taken part.
Researchers and teachers of Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Belarusian trade and economic university of consumer cooperation, Poltava university of economy and trade, Siberian university of consumer cooperation and Tajik state university have taken part in work of a forum.
Holding these forums became a real contribution to integration of interuniversity science, to establishment of fruitful and long-term contacts between participating higher education institutions of "Cooperation" network university and also in expansion of process of a scientific economic research and in formation of incentives for further joint productive work.


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