“1st December - Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

“1st December - Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan”The Department “Social work and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan” held a round table devoted to Day of First President of Kazakhstan.
During the event, students and teachers discussed the role of the First President of Kazakhstan in establishing an independent state. Special attention was paid to the importance of implementation of government programs in education and science, initiatives in the formation of an intellectual nation and entry of Kazakhstan into the ranks of developed countries in the world.
The roundtable participants noted the international community has recognized the contribution of the leader of Kazakhstan in nuclear disarmament, peacekeeping and emphasized that Kazakhstan, thanks to its wise foreign and domestic policy, has always advocated a peaceful solution to any geopolitical disputes and problems.


“1st December - Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan” “1st December - Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
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