Meeting with representatives of LLP «Burabai Damu»

Meeting with representatives of LLP «Burabai Damu»The President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in his annual state-of-the-nation address pointed out the importance of development of inbound and domestic tourism in regions of the country. One of the most effective projects in the sphere of tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Schuchinsk-Borovskaya resort area, representing a territory favorable for development of science, government and business. This project will help to Kazakh tourism and increase results for inbound and domestic tourism.
02 February 2017 for students of specialty «Tourism», «Restaurant business and hotel business» in walls of KEUK was organized a meeting with representatives of LLP «Burabai Damu» of Department for Presidential Affairs of RK. The organization aims to promote formation of attractive tourist image of Shchuchinsk-Borovoye resort zone. The meeting was very practical in terms of further mutually beneficial cooperation.
During the meeting students asked issues concerning further development of tourism at regional level and staffing services.


Meeting with representatives of LLP «Burabai Damu» Meeting with representatives of LLP «Burabai Damu» Meeting with representatives of LLP «Burabai Damu»
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