To attention of university entrants!

To attention of university entrants!The Karaganda economic university begins a set on the new educational program of bachelor the "State audit" from 2018-2019 school.

In the framework of the state audit, a new educational program "State Audit" has been opened at the Karaganda State University for the purpose of training qualified and qualified specialists who can use their knowledge in their practical activities.
Bachelor of Economics and Business Bachelor of Educational Programs "State Audit" can apply for professional activity in the following areas:
- Accounts Committee, which is the supreme body of state audit and financial control;
- Authorized body of internal state audit;
- Audit commissions of oblast, cities of republican significance;
- Internal audit services of central state bodies, local executive bodies of the region, cities of republican value.
Let's become a competent, demanding specialist with knowledge!

 To attention of university entrants!

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