Training seminars on business development

Training seminars on business development In Karaganda economic University seminars for students on the basics of business development are held on a regular basis.
So in February 2018, the teacher of the Department of "Economics and entrepreneurship" Dr. PhD S. B. Baibosynov held a training seminar on the topic: "financial support of the project:- investment plan; - financial plan" for full-time students.
And in our University in the framework of participation in projects of the Fund "Damu" held a training seminar on "State support for business: forms and methods of support relevant programmes of assistance to business" with participation of Financial Advisor of the business service Center of JSC "entrepreneurship development Fund "Damu" Gaziz Aizada Sayatkyzy.
Students on real examples got acquainted with the state forms and methods of support, conditions of business opening in Kazakhstan, business support programs implemented by the national chamber of entrepreneurs and state authority.

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