125th anniversary of S.Seifullin

125th anniversary of S.SeifullinKEUK library held an educational hour within the framework of the implementation of the Program article “Ruhani janğıru” which was dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the founder of modern Kazakh literature S.Seifullin, a poet, a writer and a statesman.
The students were introduced to the life and work of Saken Seifullin, the book exposition “From a writer to a revolutionary” was presented, where his main works were presented. The members of the literary club “Lira” recited poems and performed text specimens.
S. Seifullin was one of the originators of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan and remained one of its leaders until the end of his days. He was the first Kazakh writer who was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. He conducted a great teaching and research work.
Future generations should be proud of their hero: a great man, a writer and a revolutionary.


125th anniversary of S.Seifullin 125th anniversary of S.Seifullin
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