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  • «Platinum lecture» of the member of the Constitutional Council of the RK, doctor of legal sciences - Unzila Shapakkyzy

«Platinum lecture» of the member of the Constitutional Council of the RK, doctor of legal sciences - Unzila Shapakkyzy

«Platinum lecture» of the member of the Constitutional Council of the RK, doctor of legal sciences - Unzila Shapakkyzy

In the framework of the implementation of the program «Ruhani zhangyru» on the 8th of November at KEUK there was a meeting with a member of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of legal sciences - Unzila Shapakkyzy for the students and teachers of the specialty «Jurisprudence» for the explanation of a new approaches to the functioning of the bodies of constitutional supervision and control of the USA and European countries, as well as a comparative analysis of the domestic practice of examining the compliance of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, of the «platinum lecture» - «Constitutional values - the basis of the modernization of the state and society» was analyzed.



«Platinum lecture» of the member of the Constitutional Council of the RK, doctor of legal sciences - Unzila Shapakkyzy

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