Library morning in KEUK.

Library morning in KEUK.KEUK library held “Library morning” devoted to the World Book Day and Copyright: "Book. Youth. Success". Students of the college of Business, Economics and Law and university were invited to the event. They were offered an interesting and diverse activity program.
The Library staff conducted Libmob (Library mob) with the distribution of lottery tickets at the entrance to the university.
All students were treated to hot tea and coffee in the lobby of the library. Then the participants of the event took part in the game “Harry Potter: the world of magic and the world of reality”. Next was a master class "Do-it-yourselfer" for the production of hairclips. Sporting and intellectual contests turned out to be fun and exciting; book exhibition "One Country - One Book" was designed with A. Kekilbayev’s books particularly with a book of the year "The End of Legend". An interesting meeting was held with A. Omarova, a participant of the project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan". The finale of the event was the draw of all-prize lottery provided by the trade union organization of KEUK. Photo zone “Magic in Books” was available during the day.


Library morning in KEUK. Library morning in KEUK. Library morning in KEUK.


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