Round table "Continuity of the course of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev".

Round table "Continuity of the course of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev".May 3, 2019 at Karaganda economic University under the leadership of Vice-rector K.Abilov held a round table "Continuity of the course of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev". The reports were made by the delegate of the 27th session of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan "Formula of peace and harmony: unity and modernization" M.Abdakimova and senior lecturer A. Badel. In the process of working with students discussed the current situation in the world and Kazakhstan, the tasks set before the APK and society, the prospects for further growth and development on the basis of preserving and strengthening peace, harmony, unity in the country.


Round table "Continuity of the course of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev". Round table "Continuity of the course of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev". Round table "Continuity of the course of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev".
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