XIII Youth Spartakiad for prizes of Akim of Karaganda region.

XIII Youth Spartakiad for prizes of Akim of Karaganda region.

A student sports contest in traditional sportswas held in Karaganda region, in which the team of our University took part.
At the end of the competition, the KEU team took the 3rd team place.
The 1stteam place tookthe national team of Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov, the 2nd-Karaganda State Technical University.
As always, confident victories were won by the national volleyball teams (teacher in charge – senior lecturer, Matushkin G. Yu.) and draughts (teacher in charge – senior lecturer,IskakovZh.K.)
A worthy contribution was made by members of the skating team (teacher in charge –Candidate of pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor, Baimagambetov Yu. T.), which took 2ndplace, as well as in the winter presidential all-around and cross-country skiing (teacher in charge – thehead of the Chair, Gaak A. Yu.) – 2ndplace; basketball players-boys – 2ndplace, basketball players-girls – 3rdplace (teacher in charge – Chairman of KEUsports club,Ayatbek D. E.); athletics – 2ndplace (teachers in charge – senior lecturers – IskakovZh. K., Borovikova Sh. O.).
Students participating in the games and the teaching staff of the Chairof physical education thank the University administration for the conditions and the opportunity to participate in these prestigious student competitions.

Head of the Department of
Physical culture Гаак А.Ю.



XIII Youth Spartakiad for prizes of Akim of Karaganda region. XIII Youth Spartakiad for prizes of Akim of Karaganda region. XIII Youth Spartakiad for prizes of Akim of Karaganda region.
3D тур КЭУ