Integrity hour at the faculty of business and law

Integrity hour at the faculty of business and law

The United Nations proclaimed December 9 as the International anti-corruption day.
In this regard, on December 9, 2019 in all academic groups of the faculty of business and law held the event "Parasattylyk sagattary", "Hour of integrity" aimed at improving the legal literacy of students, the formation of anti-corruption culture in the student environment and intolerance to corruption.
The event held in discussion and game forms. Students were explained the main provisions of such normative documents as the anti-corruption strategy of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 years, the Law "On combating corruption", and the main provisions of University regulatory document "Code of academic integrity". Members of the University student community "Sanaly urpaq" took part in the organization and development of some events.

Integrity hour at the faculty of business and law

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