Round table on "The spiritual heritage of Abai»

Round table on "The spiritual heritage of Abai»

On 15.02.21 in the framework of "Spiritual Revival" on the Zoom platform was held round table on "The spiritual heritage of Abay Kunanbayev" dedicated to the life and work of the great Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbayevich. The round table was organized by the Department of Kazakh Language and Culture. Purpose: to acquaint with the moral life of the great poet, to propagate the wisdom and spiritual heritage of the poet, to express his poems and songs, to help speaking fluently, to search independently, to work creatively. The round table was attended by teachers and students of the department.
The topics of the round table were "Biography of Abai Kunanbayevich", "Abai's poems", "Abai's songs", "The Book of words", "Abai's traditions, lessons". The round table was led by Master of Pedagogical Sciences K.K. Bazhikeev. Master of Pedagogical Sciences L.M. Akshabayeva, students Kaderbek Zh., Abdrakhmanova A. shared their thoughts about the biography of Abay Kunanbayevich. Associate Professor M.A Topashev, teacher D.U. Urazbekova, students Kurmetovich E., Tleuberlin A., Ibraeva A. spoke about the work of Abai. Gataullina Z., Nikiforova M., Mazhidov B. read the poems of the great poet. Associate Professor ZK Zhangabulova spoke about Abai’s the Book of words, Kagarmanova A. read the Book of words. Kutzhanov N., Ilichyeva A. sang Abai's songs. Head of the Department of Kazakh Language and Culture of Kazakhstan Ph.D. Associate Professor Sh.B. Akatayeva summed up the study of Abai's teachings. Abay's spiritual heritage is eternal.


Round table on "The spiritual heritage of Abai» Round table on "The spiritual heritage of Abai» Round table on "The spiritual heritage of Abai»
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