Platinum lecture on «Social work in the field of employment»

Platinum lecture on «Social work in the field of employment»

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz considers the involvement of practicing specialists in teaching a priority.
As part of the study of the courses "Employment of the population and its regulation", "Methods and technologies of social work", the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work invited Mukash Zh.ZH., chief specialist, social worker of the KSU "Employment Center" Shakhtinsk to read to students of the educational program "Social Work" a "platinum" lecture on "Social work in employment".
The lecture highlighted the role of social work as a driver of socio-economic modernization in Kazakhstan, analyzed the regulatory framework for ensuring employment of the population, revealed the role of social workers in the activities of employment centers, in the implementation of their individual program to provide targeted social assistance.


Platinum lecture on «Social work in the field of employment» Platinum lecture on «Social work in the field of employment»
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