Off-site lesson on the topic "Social work in the field of health care"

Off-site lesson on the topic "Social work in the field of health care"

The Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz develops cooperation with social institutions and organizations of Karaganda - participants of the educational-scientific-production complex “Damu”.
As part of the study of the courses "Social Gerontology", "Social Policy", an off-site lesson was held for students of the educational program "Social Work" on the basis of the socio-psychological service of LLP MF "Hippocrates".
During the lesson, Deputy Director of the Social and Psychological Service, specialist in social work Nesterova V.A. acquainted students with the State Program for the Development of Health Care of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025, a multidisciplinary approach to the work of primary health care in Kazakhstan, methods and technologies of social work at the level of primary medical and social assistance, revealed ways to improve the availability of socially significant services for vulnerable groups with health problems



Off-site lesson on the topic "Social work in the field of health care" Off-site lesson on the topic "Social work in the field of health care"
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