Grant funding for young scientists under the Zhas Galym 2022 project for 2022-2024

Grant funding for young scientists under the Zhas Galym 2022 project for 2022-2024

By the decision of the National Scientific Council of 08/24/2022, the competition for grant funding of young scientists for the project "Zhas Galim 2022" for 2022-2024 was won by:

Salauatova Dinara Muslimovna – Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation, PhD;

Baigozhina Gulnar Muratovna – Senior Lecturer of the Department of World Economy and International Relations, PhD;

Tyngisheva Ainur Mukhamedkalievna – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance, PhD.

Congratulations and we wish you successful implementation of the postdoctoral program and high scientific results!


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