Improvement of the educational program "State and local government"

Improvement of the educational program "State and local government"

On October 10, 2022, teachers of the Department of Economic Theory and State and Local Government took part in an event held by the Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility together with the Astana Hub in the field of Civil Service on the topic "Education and training of civil servants. Educational program "State and local government" in universities of Kazakhstan".
The welcoming speech was given to the Chairman of the Management Committee of the Astana Hub of Public Service, Baymenov Alikhan, as well as the director of the Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Mukhatayev Aidos.
Presentations were made by an expert in the field of higher education and public administration, Doctor of Economics, associate professor Yessimova Sholpan and an expert in the field of education management Karatabanov Ruslan. The following issues were discussed:
1. Analysis, components of the educational program State and local administration of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies;
2. Promotion and training of civil servants: problems and prospects
3. Approaches in the world to the educational program on public administration
4. New approaches to the development of Learning outcomes
5. Design of assessment methods
As a result, experience was exchanged and methodological and practical recommendations on the training of civil servants were given.


Improvement of the educational program "State and local government" Improvement of the educational program "State and local government"
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