New in the laws on children's rights: what a true professional should know

New in the laws on children's rights: what a true professional should know

Every child has the right to protection. Commissioners for children's rights have been appointed in all regions of Kazakhstan. They consider appeals on violations of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, complaints about actions or inaction on the part of local executive bodies and other organizations.
On October 14, 2022, students of the OP "Social Work" and "Psychology and Management in Education" met with the Public Commissioner for the Protection of Children's Rights at the Regional Scientific and Practical Center of Additional Education "Saryarka Daryny" Kiseleva I.B.
The students got acquainted with the Karaganda experience of child protection, amendments and additions to the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which are designed to ensure the protection of the rights of children in difficult life situations, are bullied, and need special educational conditions at a new level.
The meeting was useful and exciting, a specialist of the "helping" profession should not only use the knowledge and resources that have been accumulated over the years, but also be aware of all the changes taking place in his professional field.


New in the laws on children's rights: what a true professional should know New in the laws on children's rights: what a true professional should know
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