The university students were told about the rules of admission to the civil service

The university students were told about the rules of admission to the civil service

On November 11, 2022, our university hosted a meeting of students of the OP "State Local Administration", "Jurisprudence" with representatives of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Karaganda region, including the head of the Zholdangar E.K.
Representatives of the ADGS spoke about the prospects of graduates wishing to enter the civil service, the creation of a new model of public service based on the principles of meritocracy.
Students actively participated in the discussion, questions were asked. Representatives of the ADGS gave all the necessary information for admission to the civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They explained the mechanism of submitting an application for testing, submitting documents for participation in competitions, showed active links to the official website of the Agency for full information.
Issues of further cooperation within the framework of the work of the School of a Young civil servant were also discussed.


The university students were told about the rules of admission to the civil service The university students were told about the rules of admission to the civil service The university students were told about the rules of admission to the civil service
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