International intellectual quiz online quiz "Roads of historical memory"

International intellectual quiz online quiz "Roads of historical memory"

On February 2, 2023, within the framework of the Council of Rectors of the Gomel Region, the Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives (Gomel) hosted the international intellectual QUIZ online quiz “On the Roads of Historical Memory”. The quiz was dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War. The teams had to answer three blocks of questions: 1) choose the correct answer from several options; 2) indicate the name of the object, event presented in the illustration; 3) give the most complete information about the historical event, personalities. Participants had to answer the questions as quickly and correctly as possible.
Students from 15 higher educational institutions of Belarus, Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan took part in the quiz.
Students of our university
Aitzhanov Sanzhar (gr. MO-42);
Kobzeva Victoria (gr. MO-22-2);
Satdarova Karina (gr. MO-22-2);
Cherkashina Elizaveta (gr. MO-22-2)
Gryadunov Yaroslav (gr. Yu-22-2)
took part in this quiz.
The event was organized at a high level. The team of our university managed to show good knowledge. As a result of the intellectual struggle, the students of our university were awarded certificates and a diploma in the nomination "For the Will to Win".


International intellectual quiz online quiz "Roads of historical memory" International intellectual quiz online quiz "Roads of historical memory"
International intellectual quiz online quiz "Roads of historical memory" International intellectual quiz online quiz "Roads of historical memory"
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