Prevention of bullying, trolling, methods of dealing with them

Prevention of bullying, trolling, methods of dealing with them

On February 16, 2023, a practical lesson was held by the University psychologist Temirkhanova G.U. on the topic "Prevention of bullying, trolling, methods of dealing with them" for students of hostels No. 1, 3.
The purpose of the lesson: knowledge and development of management techniques during trolling, bullying, cyberbullying; find out who the persecutors (bullyers), the victims of bullying, their behavior when bullying are; methods of victim behavior in bullying.
During the lesson, the psychologist noted the nature, causes of bullying, showed on a practical example the methods of behavior in group bullying, the techniques for managing behavior, the psycho-emotional health of bullying victims. Together with the students, they dismantled behavior patterns in various situations of bullying. Students asked questions, participated in the discussion of bullying prevention methods.


Prevention of bullying, trolling, methods of dealing with them

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