Strategic sessions are an effective format for discussing a new University development Programs until 2029

Strategic sessions are an effective format for discussing a new University development Programs until 2029

The university must constantly ask itself questions: who we teach, how we teach and what, what set of competencies a graduate should have. They cannot be answered once and for all due to the variability of the world. On the other hand, the system of the basic part of education is undergoing a transfor-mation in general. Now higher education institutions have time to put together their own vision, formats and models, taking into account the Concept of the development of higher education and science, to determine what is right for us.
In May, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted a series of strategic design and analytical sessions to discuss the transformation of the ed-ucational process aimed at finding relevant formats, forms and content of modern higher and postgraduate education.
This is the approach chosen in order to involve a large number of interest-ed parties. The structure of each session is the work of several focus groups, which are formed selectively by random process. In total, more than 30 people from among the members of the Rector's Office, teaching staff, heads of admin-istrative services took part in the sessions on each of the priority areas.
Based on the results of the sessions, it is planned to conduct a survey of all interested parties and form a New program for the development of the uni-versity, which will be submitted for approval by the Academic Council by Au-gust 2023.


Strategic sessions are an effective format for discussing a new University development Programs until 2029


Strategic sessions are an effective format for discussing a new University development Programs until 2029

Strategic sessions are an effective format for discussing a new University development Programs until 2029
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