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Participation in the Exhibition “Kazakhstan’s Education Days in Uzbekistan”

Participation in the Exhibition “Kazakhstan’s Education Days in Uzbekistan”9-10 April 2018, head of the Department SWandAPK Abdakimova M.K. participated in the fair “Kazakhstan’s Education Days in Uzbekistan”, which took place in Youth Center of Navoi city of Navoi oblast of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The 26 leading Higher Educational Universities of Kazakhstan were presented at the Exhibition.
The Exhibition hosted a meeting with graduates and students of colleges and schools of the region, and with their parents, as well as school, colleges and lyceum teachers. They were provided with information about the conditions of admission and study at Karaganda Economic University.
During the trip with career guidance were visited Navoi State Mining Institute, Academic Lyceum, located in Navoi, as well as agricultural and economic colleges, which are located in the district center of Kanimekh with compact residence of ethnic kazakhs and karakalpaks.
During the meetings, were provided extensive information about KEUK, conditions of admission and training on the daily and remote offices, distributed information brooklets, brochures, answered questions. As a result, a preliminary list of potential applicants wishing to enroll in KEUK was drawn up.
For active participation in the scientific and educational forum Abdakimova M.K. was awarded a letter of thanks from the governor of Navoi oblast.

The visit of the ISMA University’s President Roman Diakon and Vice-Rector for International Affairs Olga Verdenhof (Riga, Latvia)

The visit of the ISMA University’s President Roman Diakon and Vice-Rector for International Affairs Olga Verdenhof (Riga, Latvia)

On the 10th of April, 2018 in Karaganda Economic University will held a guest lecture of Dr.sc.ing., Professor, academician, President of the ISMA University (Riga, Latvia) Roman Diakon and Dr.Sc. sc. admin., vice-rector for international affairs Olga Verdenhof on the topic "European education as the foundation of educational tourism".
The ISMA University is one of the leading universities in Latvia, possessing rich traditions and well-defined of its place in the European higher education space. ISMA University is a modern, dynamically developing university with a wide range of curricula and specializations, one third of its students are citizens of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc.

"Dad, Mom and I are a sports family

"Dad, Mom and I are a sports familyOn April 7 2018 the Department of Physical Culture of the Faculty of business and law held an event "Dad, Mom and I are a sports family".
The sport event was attended by seniors from the schools of Bukhar-Jırau district: CSE Zarechenskaya, CSE Kokpektinskaya, CSE Baikadamovskaya and CSE Petrovskaya secondary schools.
Our congratulations to the winners, prize-winners and participants of this event!
I place - CSE Baikadamovskaya secondary school
II place - CSE Kokpektinsky secondary school
III place - CSE Zarechenskaya secondary school
IV place - CSE Petrovskaya secondary school.

«Rukhani zhangyru – bolashakka bastar zhol»

«Rukhani zhangyru – bolashakka bastar zhol»April 03, 2018, Department of “Social work and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan” held an open curatorial hour on the theme «Rukhani zhangyru – bolashakka bastar zhol» with the participation of students majoring in “Basics of law and economics” and “Social work”. Guests of the event were pupils of school № 27 in Karaganda.
In his welcoming speech, c.p.s., associate Professor, head of the chair of SW and APK Abdakimova M. emphasized to students, that the provisions of the program article of the President, first of all, are devoted to youth, and the purpose of the event is the formation of an active life position of youth, education of feelings of Kazakhstan patriotism and love for their Homeland.
Speeches of the curatorial hour participants were devoted to the discussion of the content and implementation of the main projects of modernization of public consciousness. So, students OPEK-11k Uzbaeva B., Datkina G. defended the issue of phased transition of Kazakh language to Latin. Student of group SR-32 Sabirzhanova T. talked about the fact that attention to social and humanitarian knowledge through the implementation of the "New Humanities" will provide a platform for preparation of competitive skilled personnel. On the formation of a sense of patriotism through the program "Tugan Zher" – "Small homeland" on the example of the great and famous personalities of their small homeland – Egindybulak region were students of OPEC-31k Isaev A. and Kanatuly Zhanaydar. Striking examples of the advance of modern kazakh culture in a global world were devoted to the interactive presentation the students Kosaeva L. (gr. SR-12), Shakenova K. (gr.SR-13S), Garmanov D. (C. OPEK - 12), Shynarbek O. (gr. OPEC-13s). Students of group SR-21k Zhumadilda A. and Kenshilik A. presented about the stories of real contemporaries from among "100 new faces of Kazakhstan", who achieved success during the years of Independence.
Summing up the results of the open curatorial hour curators of academic groups c.ph.n., associate professor Seyfullina G.R, PhD, senior lecturer Manassova M.M., master of history, teacher Tusupova G.N. for the attention of students and schoolchildren was focused on the fact that the main priority of the modernization of public consciousness is the formation of a new generation of Kazakhstan, designed to be the main conductor of the principles of modernization of consciousness – openness, pragmatism, competitiveness.

KEUK students took the IInd place in the X Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty "Finance" in Almaty

KEUK students took the IInd place in the X Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty "Finance" in Almaty

March 30, 2018 in JSC NARXOZ in Almaty hosted the II stage of the Republican subject Olympiad among students of the specialty 5B050900 - "Finance", in which the students of the "Bank deal" department took the 2nd common command place among 13 universities. The knowledge of the participants was assessed along with the teachers and specialists of the business environment.
Participants students of F-32nd group Oborina Karina, Kushnarenko Olga, Khmeleva Yekaterina under the guidance of associate professor, PhD Omarova A.T. chair of "Bank deal" were awarded diplomas of MES RK and memorable gifts.

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