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Intellectual competition «Игі іс мамандығы», devoted to celebration of Day of workers of social sphere

Intellectual competition «Игі іс мамандығы», devoted to celebration of Day of workers of social sphere In the framework of the implementation of the plan of vocational guidance Department, as well as the celebration of the Day of social workers October 20th, 2017y. in the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz chair of the SW and the APK held intellectual competition «Игі іс мамандығы».
The participants demonstrated professional competence in social situations, the development and presentation of social projects.
According to the results of intellectual competition winners in the nominations are:
- «Best video» team «Ақ тілек» students KEUK;
- «Interactive poster» team of «Аялы алақан» students from Karaganda Bank College;
- «Best presentation» team «Rays of goodness», the students of the Central Academy.
Winners of the intellectual competition were awarded diplomas:
Diplom of I degree - team «Rays of goodness», the students of the Central Academy. Diplom of II degree - team «Ақ тілек» students KEUK; Diplom of the III rd. degree - the team «Аялы алақан» students from Karaganda Bank College.

19 October 2017 at the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz held the XVI national Olympiad in Economics "THE THIRD MODERNIZATION OF KAZAKHSTAN: GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS"

19 October 2017 at the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz held the XVI national Olympiad in Economics "THE THIRD MODERNIZATION OF KAZAKHSTAN: GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS"

The competition was organized with the aim of unlocking the creative potential of students, future specialists in different spheres of national activities in the field of Economics and management, enhance the economic prestige of the professions, stimulating creativity and scientific activity of students.
In the competition took part 8 teams from different cities representing the leading UNIVERSITIES of the country. After 3 rounds, the result of intense struggle the winners permission of the traffic police at the time of the competition:
3rd place was team 3: 1.Team "UNITED KGU" - Kokshetau state University named.Sh.Ualikhanov, supervisor E. Utegenov.To.

Literary and musical evening "Ult tilin ulyktagan"

Literary and musical evening "Ult tilin ulyktagan" Literary and musical evening "Ult tilin ulyktagan", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the national poet Mukhtar Shakhanov, was held in the library of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. Mukhtar Shakhanov is an outstanding Kazakh poet and a well-known public figure; his works have been translated into many languages. University and college students learned in detail about the life and work of M. Shakhanov, listened to his compositions, read his poems well-loved by the people: "Tort ana", "Zheltoksan alany", "Meni nege Mukhtar koigan”, sang well-known songs based on the poems such as "Ake turaly zhyr", "Tugan kun keshinde", etc. Mukhtar Shakhanov's works make people think on the benefits he brings to his country. After all, feats can be performed not only on the battlefield, but also in everyday life: daily routine, study, work, etc., contributing to the future well-being of the country. The exhibition "Ult tilin ulyktagan" and the virtual exhibition "Kaissar rukhty akyn" were prepared for the event. The evening ended with the performance of a famous song "Kok tudyn zhelbіregeni".

Standard and quality

Standard and quality

13.10.2017 the department of "Commodity and Certification" conducted an educational and professional orientation activity "Standard and quality" dedicated to the "International Standardization Day", the event was held in 3 languages. Students of the specialization "Standardization and Certification" and students of graduation groups of the KEBiP took the competition.

Festival of Culinary Arts

Festival of Culinary Arts

10/17/2017 students of the specialty "Technology of Food Products", the Department of "Commodity Research and Certification" took part in the On-line competition of the XVII International Student Festival of Culinary Arts and Serving "ECO-Cooking" held at ANO VO "Belgorod University of Cooperation, economy and law ".

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