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NauryzMarch 18, 2016 in the Palace of Culture held a concert dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz. The celebration was attended by the representatives of: the national-cultural "Dagestan" center, NGO "Cossack freemen" PA "Romanian Cultural Society" Dacia ", the regional association of language to them. Taras Shevchenko "Ridne word" Chechen-Ingush ethnic and cultural association "Vainakh", the participants aitys: akyns - Tіlegen Әdіlov and Didar Қamiev, Gulimay Orazbek, took 3rd place in the "Kazakh aruy-2016" contest.
There have also been awarded the participants of sporting events "Asyқ ho" and "Dad, Mom, I - sporting family".
Ensemble "Zhayna" presented two new dance "Kөktem aruy" and "Khorezm biі".

"Conflicts among youth. Pros and cons"

"Conflicts among youth. Pros and cons"On the 17 ͭ ͭͪ of March, 2016 at 17.00 teachers of Russian and Foreign Languages Department Zhunussova A.K. and Makhaeva A.K. organized and held the event "Conflicts among the youth" in the hostel № 3. The organized event was held in the form of a debate in the Kazakh language with students of the following groups: ECO-12k, TPP-12k, OPEC-11k, E-11k. The most interesting and actual problems were discussed during debate.

Contest "Dad, Mom, and I - a sports friendly family "

Contest  "Dad, Mom, and I - a sports friendly family "March 16, 2016 in the КЕUK was a competition, "Dad, Mom, and I - a sports friendly family " program dedicated to the celebration of the event "Nauryz". Event organizers Accounting - Finance Department.
Competition Objectives:
- Organization of a healthy family holiday.
- Encouraging children to systematic physical culture and sports.
- To develop agility, strength, mobility, activity, wit, attentiveness.
- Foster a sense of community, benevolence.
- Creating emotionally positive attitude in the process of joint activity.
The sports event was attended by three teams.
1. Family of the Chinese Center: Yang Dae-Sea and Chernetskaya Olga, - granddaughter Michelle Liu
2. Family of the Polish Centre: Henry and Lubov Soroka, daughter Gabriela
3. The family of the Ukrainian Center: Vitvitskiy Alexander Stepanovich, Vitvitskaya Anastasia - son Stepan Vitvitskiy
4. Family of the Department of Civil Service of the Karaganda region: Ruslan and Asel Belyalov son Arslan.
As a result of 7 rounds and counted points won Belyalov family from the Department of Civil Service of the Karaganda region.


March 17, 2016 года (at 16.00) in the Co-working center «Dostyk» was held a meeting of participants of student research projects. Organizer: Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies.

Issues related to the further development and intensification of students' research work in KEUK were discussed; as well as challenges and difficulties faced by the students during their work.

Open Day of the Department "Tourism and restaurant business"

March 12, 2016 the Department of "Tourism and restaurant business" held "Open Day" for graduates of schools of Karaganda. As part of the event were presented educational programs specialty "Tourism", "Restaurant business and hotel business." All teachers of the department, together with the students, with the undergraduates, graduates with a specialty "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business" held professional work with students. In the study "Management of restaurant business and hotel business" (Room 384) and in the office of management and service number 232 took place the presentation of the specialty "Restaurant business and gostichny business", which talked about the demand for jobs in the modern labor market. And in the office, "Techniques and tactics of active kinds of tourism" (Room 383a) presented the specialty "Tourism", as well as our students have demonstrated special tourist equipment.

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