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OlimpiadeThe aunual student olimpiad on High Mathematics was held among the students of economic specialities from Higher educational institution in Karaganda city. About 38 students participated This Olimpiade at our university.

Realization of intellectual game "Round the world" with students 11 class of secondary school №68

Realization of intellectual game "Round the world" with students 11 class of secondary school №68By the teachers of department of "Tourism and restaurant business" an intellectual game was conducted on geography and tourism "Round the world" with the students of 11 cl.secondary school №68. Students showed wonderful 1knowledge on geography, astronomy, history. 3 commands took part in a competition. A command №became the winner of intellectual game 1. Deeds handed all participants of intellectual game.

A "leader is a financier - 2015": winners are, but main participation!!!

A "leader is a financier - 2015": winners are, but main participation!!!Department "Banking" within the framework of celebration of "Day of financier - 2015" on Decembers 4, 2015 conducted an olympiad among the students of КEUK, ЕNU and КаzATU.
An olympiad consisted of 5 turns. On results turns 2 a place is awarded to the student of gr.F-42 Sagyndykova Кuralay, 1 place Кim Aleksej and Grand Prix with a cup is awarded to winner Тemirhanov Imam to Imam of gr.F-22c.
During an olympiad the students of КЭУК came forward with the concerto program. On completion of olympiad of участинки took a picture on memory.

Practical employment at thehotel "Cosmonaut"

Practical employment at thehotel  "Cosmonaut"3 December, 2015conductedpractical employmentfor students 2-4 courses of speciality "Restaurant business and hotel business" of group RB-41, RB-24 and RB-32 in a hotel complex "Cosmonaut" with associate professor of department Zambinova G.K.
Directorof hotel Fedor Aleksandrovich "Cosmonaut"showed the organizational structure of hotel and marketing department to the students. In detail expounded to the function of employees of service, told about work of hotel with corporate clients, answered the questions of students.
After an excursion Fedor Aleksandrovich invited students in a large conference hall, where students could set interesting questions, a leader gave the detailed elucidation on every question. At the end of employment a tea-table was organized with treating.
Enormous thank you, to the leader and employees of hotel for interesting and cognitive employment.

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