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Volleyball competition for students of Karaganda c.colleges and schools

Volleyball competition for students of Karaganda c.colleges and schools Volleyball competition for students of Karaganda c.colleges and schools was conducted by Legal regulation of economic relations and physical education departments of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on 21 February of 2015. On the photo winners - Team of Banking College.

Round table on the "Problems of Kazakhstan in various sectors of the economy"

Round table on the "Problems of Kazakhstan in various sectors of the economy"Round table on the theme "Problems of Kazakhstan in various sectors of the economy" was conducted by SSS «Parasat». Participants were UA-13 group students Khuzina Laysan and Toktarova Asel. They highlighted the problems in the spheres of transport, oil and gas industries and introduced their solutions. Also students Kalibekova Nailya and Zhenisbekova Aynur spoke about the problems of poverty and the tourism industry. Thanks to the participants!

Proforientational work

Proforientational workOn February 11, 2015 in the framework of career guidance week senior teacher of the "Banking" department Ermekova K.A. met with the deputy director of educational - methodical work Meshtaeva B.S., she introduced booklets of Karaganda Economic University to pupils of the school. She also visited curatorial hours of 11 "A", 11 "Б", 11 "B" grades. Senior teacher of the "Banking" department Ermekova K.A. posted leaflets on the stand of the secondary school № 83 named after G. Mustafin.

CONGRATULATIONS to the scientists of KEU!


We CONGRATULATE the scientists of KEU who won the contest of projects for grant funding for research on the 2015-2017 years conducted by the Committee of MES RK.
We wish you success and high achievements in scientific researches!

«Economical cafe» game and the round table of the «Economics» specialty

«Economical cafe» game and the round table of the «Economics» specialty On 28th of January, 2015 in the framework of the subject week of a specialty 0519000 «Economics» by branches teachers Ospanova G.S. and Nesipbaev R.E. conducted the game «Economical cafe» between student teems of E-31k, E-32 on a state and Russian languages.
The interior of a café was made in the auditory. Five rounds were offered: "Appetizers", "First dishes", "Second dishes", "Dessert", "Drinks". Participants in the order chose dishes, got questions and answered them. Assortment of dishes differed a lot. Were represented: sandwiches from an economy level, "Requirements" toasts, salad from money, cabbage soup out of supplies and demands, "Trifty" cake and etc.
The jury announced the results. Each team earned own capital. However the most profitable was the group E-32. Students that actively participated were: Dosov Adil, Junusbekov Azat, Sadvakasova Gulmira, Gurskiy Stas.

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