October 30, 2014 Head. Chair, Professor GG Baikenov and Associate Professor of Chergizova BT participated in conducting environmental forum "The Future of the planet is in our hands" at the invitation of the Center for the promotion of sustainable development.
Environmental Forum held at Nazarbayev Intellectual school in his work attended by representatives of the administration and akimat, school teachers and teachers of Karaganda leading universities of the region.
November 8, 2014 teachers of the Department of Higher Mathematics Olympiad was held in mathematics among students in grades 9-11 comprehensive secondary schools. In the competition participated 219 students from 31 school. According to the results of the Olympics were identified prize winner:
grade 9
1st place
Mereke Murat
46 points
Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum
2st place
Erғaliev Azamat
44 points
Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum
3st place
Turlin Dusty
37 points
Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum
grade 10
1st place
Jumabekov Yermek
42 бpoints
USI "Murager"
2st place
Darkhan Akniet
40 points
Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum
3st place
Bashenov Daniar
34 points
USI "Murager"
grade 11
1st place
Shaimukhanbetov Ajdos
47 points
USI "Daryn"
2st place
Кriwosheja Ilya
45 points
Secondary school №6 of Saran
3st place
Daria Nikitina
39 points
Lyceum №101
Нaward winners and the winners will be held by the organizing committee in the respective schools.
We provide modern training, educational and scientific literature on all branches of knowledge. With the publications of the library fund, you can work in the library, in the departments, or home: - books with a multi-level tasks system - workshops and collections of exercises; - references.
3d year PhD students of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz- E.M. Karimgozhina and M.U. Uazhanov passed a foreign research internship at Krakow University of Economics (Poland, Krakov) from 24 September 2014 to November 1, 2014.
PhD students of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz specialty 6D050700 «Management» B.K. Dzhazykbaeva, M.B. Zhumabekova passed a foreign research internship at the Institute for Research in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (Germany, Regensburg) from September 22, 2014 to October 30, 2014 .....