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Seminar-meeting with 3rd year doctoral students

Seminar-meeting with 3rd year doctoral students

On the 29th of October at 11:00 p.m., a seminar was held in conjunction with the Vice-rector on scientific work, strategic and innovative development of the Nakipova G. E. with doctoral students of the 3rd year EP "State and local management", "Management", "Economics", which highlighted the issues SRWD, issue 7 publications in accordance with the Rules of awarding degrees, the preparation for the publication of foreign articles by Scopus along with this.

Round table on the topic: «Integration of a virtual warehouse with the «1C program:Enterprise» in the conditions of digitalization»

Round table on the topic: «Integration of a virtual warehouse with the «1C program:Enterprise» in the conditions of digitalization»On October 26, 2020, the Department of Accounting and audit held a round table in an online format on the topic: "Integration of a virtual warehouse with the 1C program:Enterprise "in the conditions of digitalization". During the round table, topical issues were discussed about the changes made to the Tax code regarding the implementation of a pilot project on the registration of accompanying invoices for goods. Undiris Yerkebulan-Financial Director of Tabysauditconsulting LLP made a report "Legislative basis for the introduction of a virtual warehouse and SNT". The round table was attended by students of all courses of the educational program "Accounting and audit".

Protect yourself from drugs!

in October 2020, in Karaganda, employees Of the Department for combating drug crime of the police Department of the Karaganda region, together with the public Association "Umit", shot a social video with the slogan "Protect yourself from drugs". The video showed the conduct of an operational search event, in which another drug lab for the production of synthetic drugs was liquidated. Justus Anna, a student of the f-19-2 group, took part in the role of the attack girl.

"Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation in modern conditions"

"Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation in modern conditions"

On October 12, KEUK hosted an online conference "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation in modern conditions" within the framework of the "Rukhani zhagyru" program, organized by the Department of SW and KPA, in which students of the 1st and 2nd course took an active part. The conference was held within the educational program and initiative theme "Philosophical analysis of the theory and practice of modern education." The reports were discussed that are significant both within the framework of research activities and within the framework of the formation of a worldview, a culture of thinking and the modernization of public consciousness of student youth:
"Cognition and creativity" Shabusova D. Yu-19-4, "Creativity and creation: similarities and differences" - Musina O., MO-19-2, "Mentality - as the basis for the formation of religious mentality" - A. Kogteva SPD-20-2, "Problems of modernization of public consciousness" Gerda N. Yu-19-4, "Value orientations of modern youth and the problem of preventing spiritual confrontation in the modern world" Zhumanova M. Yu-19-3, "Formation of spiritual values in the family" Zhukenova L. Yu-19-3, "Components of value orientation" Pak M. MO 19-2, "Secular and religious spirituality" Babich Yu. Yu-19-3, "Religious spirituality" A. Bislinger MO-20-2, "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation in" modern conditions "in the framework of the program" Ruhani Zhangyru "Iskaliev T. Zhumataeva R. MO-20-2, "The essence of religion in a secular state" Baltasheva Tansholpan MO-19-1k, "Formation of spiritual values in the family" Nefedov V. MO-20-2, "Formation of spiritual values in the family" Ахатаева Н. МО-19-1к.
The welcoming speech was made by the head of the Department of SW and KPA Abdakimova MK and emphasized the relevance of the issues discussed. The organizers of this event were Ph.D., Professor Klishina MV, Ph.D., Associate Professor Seifullina GR, PhD Dr. Tutinova NE


INTELLECTUAL GAME «I AM ECOLOGIST»On October 23, 2020, the Department of Ecology and assessment of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz held a regional intellectual game "I am an ecologist" online for students of grades 9-11 of secondary schools in the Karaganda region.
The game was attended by 63 students from 19 teams. Of these, 12 teams with Kazakh language of instruction and 7 teams with Russian language of instruction.
Won prizes-Kazakh Department:
I place - KSU specialized school - Lyceum-boarding «Information technologies»;
II place - Specialized boarding school «Murager»;
III place-school-Lyceum No. 57 named after S. Sattarov;
The most creative team - is the boarding school No. 2 named after M. Р. Rusakov in Balkhash.
Won prizes - Russian Department:
I place - KSU specialized school – Lyceum - boarding «Information technologies»;
II place – KSU «Gymnasium No. 1»;
III place - KSU «secondary school № 86»;
The most creative team – Specialized boarding school «Murager»
We Express our gratitude to the teams for their participation and congratulate the winners on their prizes!

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