In October 2020 there was held a seminar on the topic "Internal quality assurance system of KEUK" by the senior coordinator of the Strategic Development Department L.T. Balmagambetova. The teachers and staff of the university who got a job at the beginning of the academic year were familiarized with the components of IQAS: mission, quality assurance policy, development program of KEUK, ESG standards, quality assurance guidelines. The information received on the functioning of the internal quality assurance system will allow them to successfully adapt to a new place and ensure compliance with the established work regulations.
From September 3 to September 17, 2020, advanced training courses were held for the teaching staff on the topic "Distance learning technologies". The training was conducted by Ph. D. in Economics, associate Professor of the Department of Digital engineering and IT Analytics Tazhbaev N. M. in an online format. The listeners highly appreciated this course. They noted classroom lectures and practical a new path was set for them and allowed them to conduct classes at a high-quality level.
On October 8, 2020, at 15:10h and 16:10h, an online meeting was held with students of the final courses of FEME and FBLT on the ZOOM platform. A presentation of the Resource center was held, and issues related to the center's activities were highlighted: organization of internships, employment, job search, resume preparation, etc. Students were particularly interested in questions about employment under the state program "Youth practice" and the distribution of graduates who studied under the state educational order.
Changes in the public administration system and the transformation of society's consciousness arouse keen interest in venues where representatives of business, government agencies, and education meet. At such meetings, opinions are expressed and discussed regarding the acute economic issues of the region and the country. On October 2, 2020, the departments of world economy and international relations, economic theory and GMU, management and innovation, Economics and entrepreneurship of the faculty of Economics, management and entrepreneurship took part in the “Open space” platform organized by the Department Of the Agency for protection of competition in the Karaganda region. The meeting was Attended by the head Of The Department of the Agency for protection of competition in the Karaganda region kenzhebekov R. A., Director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Kulpeisov E. D., representatives of firms and companies in the coal industry of the Karaganda region. he discussion on the hot topic of pricing in the regional coal market aroused great interest. Students gained experience and skills in building relationships between entrepreneurs and the state, received first-hand information about the opportunities for entrepreneurs to protect their competitive rights. The Department of the Antimonopoly regulation Committee of the Ministry of national economy of the Karaganda region, the Department of the competition protection Agency of the Karaganda region, the chamber of entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region actively cooperate with the Karaganda economic University, participating in the discussion of educational programs, are employers for our graduates
On October 08, 2020, as part of the Year of volunteers, training was held for volunteers to gain knowledge and practical skills to provide first aid and save the life of an accident victim. This event is supported by the public Foundation "League of volunteers of Kazakhstan" under the grant "implementation of the project "ASHYK ZHUREK" to promote the brand of volunteerism among young people" NAO "Center for support of civil initiatives" with the support of the Ministry of information and public development of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Department of emergency situations.