Пример оформления ссылок

«Далее по результатам анализа планов по тематическим направлениям и планов факультетов составляются проекты плана на следующий планируемый период» [22, с.34].

УДК 378(574)

УДК 378(574)

(абзацный отступ)

Андрей ИВАНОВ, доктор философских наук, профессор, Карагандинский экономический университет Казпотребсоюза, 100009, Республика Казахстан, г. Караганда, ул. Академическая, 9, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +77212441578


Данная статья рассматривает основные аспекты развития конфессиональной идентичности в эпоху модерна. Особое внимание уделяется неоднозначности оценок «секулярной эпохи» и последствий, созданного ею секулярного проекта для религиозной идентичности эпохи постмодерна.  

Ключевые слова: секуляризация, конфессия, идентичность.

(абзацный отступ)

В статье рассмотрены теоретические и практические вопросы развития на современном этапе интеграционных форм сетевого взаимодействия университетов в инновационной сфере. Установлено, что участие Карагандинского экономического университета Казпотребсоюза в сетевых образовательных и научных консорциумах позволяет значительно расширить круг партнеров и спектр возможностей для активизации научно-инновационной деятельности в перспективе.

Ключевые слова: научно-инновационный потенциал университета, интеграция науки и высшего образования, сетевой университет.

(абзацный отступ)

Андрей ИВАНОВфилософия ғылымдарының докторы, профессор, Қазтұтынуодағы Қарағанды экономикалық университеті, 100009,Қазақстан республикасы, Қарағанды қ., Академическая көш., 9, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +77212441578


Аталмыш мақала модерн заманындағы конфессиялық бірдейліктің даму негізгі аспектілерін қарастырады. «Секулярлық заманды» және постмодерн заманының бірдейлігі үшін онымен жасалған жобаның салдарын бағалаудың бір мәнді еместігіне баса назар аударылады.

Түйінді сөздер: секуляризация, конфессия, бірдейлік.

(абзацный отступ)

Andrei IVANOV, Doctor of Philosophy, professorSingular professor
Plural professors
Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, 100009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Akademicheskaya str. 9, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +77212441578


The main aspects of development of confessional identity during a modern era are studies in the manuscript. The special attention is paid to ambiguousness of «Secular era» estimation and the consequences of the secular project for religious identity of the postmodern.

Keywords: secularization, confession, identity.

(два абзацных отступа)

Текст статьи

(один абзацный отступа)

Список литературы:

(без абзацного отступа)


Mobility of the teaching staff and employees of Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz is one of the important directions of international and educational activities of the University in order to enrich knowledge, implement joint research and training programs, participate in internships in foreign universities, join the cultural communities of other countries, etc.

Participation of teachers or employees in international programs or exchange programs conducted by the University is agreed with the Dean, Head of the relevant Department and approved by the Rector of the University.

Erasmus+ is the European Union's education, training, youth and sport programme, launched in 2014 and running until 2020. Erasmus+ provides opportunities for academic and administrative staff of universities, including financial support from the European Union. Training opportunities are available to both faculty and administrative staff employed at the University.

Interested staff members must agree on their programme of activities at the host University at the application stage. The mobility agreement is signed by three parties (the member hosting and sending universities) prior to the start of the mobility period. Mobility for teachers includes 8 hours of teaching per week.

Through its scholarship program, the Mevlana exchange Program assists faculty from the University and its Turkish partner universities to realize mutual academic mobility for 1-6 weeks.

For teachers, the Mevlana scholarship covers the cost of moving and also provides a daily scholarship depending on the professional rank for research and teaching for 1 week – 3 months.

For all questions related to the submission of applications, please contact International programs, projects and Academic mobility Center of the University at 268 Office.

Tel. +7 (7172) 44-16-12 (EXT.141), e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For foreign students

  • Disciplines taught in English you can find in the attachment to this web page.


  • Who can participate:

- Bachelor students - 2-4 courses

- Master students - 1 course

- PhD students - 1-2 course

- GPA should not be lower than 3.0

  • Financial conditions:

- training is free of charge;

- expenses are covered by the Participants themselves, including living expenses, transportation costs, visa and health insurance.


  • List of documents:
  1. CV;
  2. Color copy of passport (notarized translation);
  3. Certificate or diploma (original), (notarized copy and translation);
  4. Curriculum for the academic period;
  5. Applications № 6, № 7 and № 8 (download Application);
  6. photos 3x4 – 2 PCs.;
  7. Medical certificate


Upon arrival at the University, the originals of all documents must be given to the coordinator of Center for international programs and projects and academic mobility (Office 268). It is also necessary to send scanned copies of documents to e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (in theme of email please indicate your full name and direction).

Rules of stay for foreign citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan:

 Registration and visa support

Rules of entry, stay and departure of foreigners http://egov.kz/cms/ru/articles/exit-entry_of_foreign_nationals

Foreign embassies and consulates in Kazakhstan http://www.kazakhstan.orexca.com/rus/embassies_in_kazakhstan.shtml

Embassies and Consulates of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad http://www.kazakhstan.orexca.com/rus/kazakhstan_embassy.shtml

Rules for issuing visas of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the extension and reduction of their validity http://mfa.gov.kz/ru/content-view/pravila-oformlenia-priglasenij-soglasovania-priglasenij-na-vezd-inostrancev-i-lic-bez-grazdanstva-v-respubliku-kazahstan-vydaci-annulirovania-vosstanovlenia-viz-respubliki-kazahstan-a-takze-prodlenia-i-sokrasenia-srokov-ih-dejstvia

Visa regime of Kazakhstan with other States




Courses taught in English



Department of Digital Engineering and IT Analytics

Information and Communication Technologies


Projecting of Information System


Computer Networks



Department of Banking Management and Financial Markets

Money, credit, banks


Portfolio management



Department of Marketing and Logistics

Promotion of goods and service



Department of Higher Mathematics

Quantitative methods of analysis in marketing



Department of World Economy and International Relations

International Organizations


Regional security in Central Asia


Regional Studies


International Economics 


Interethnic Relations and Separatism


International Trade and World Commodity Markets


International Terrorism


International Trade



Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Organization and planning of scientific researches (for MA)


Modern business’ economy  and strategies of development (for MA)






Statistic of external economic activity



Department of Economic Theory, State and Local Governance

Managerial economics in the system of regional development (for MA)



Department of Management and Innovation



Strategic human capital management: effective approaches



Department of Tourism and Restaurant Business

Organization of entertainment leisure in tourism and in hotel industry


Restaurant and Hotel Business


Modern trends and forecasting the development of the tourist market (магистрам)



Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Relations

The theory and practice of application of the civil remedial and  legislation 


Public international law



Department of general legal and special disciplines

Basis of law


Anti-Corruption: legal and economic aspects


m2 00001
For foreign students
m2 00003
m2 00004
m2 00005
m2 00006
m2 00007
m2 00008
m2 00009
m2 00010
m2 00011
m2 00012
m2 00013
m2 00014


Download this file (Courses taught in English 2021-2022.doc)Courses ENG66 kB

Staff of the department DHM

Staff of the department:
Emelin Natalia K., Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Head. the Department

Aytenova Mansiya Saparovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Ashirbekova Bibisara Meyramovna,
Senior Lecturer

Shahshina Svetlana Ashimovna,
Senior Lecturer

Natalia G. Kozlov, master of science,
Master of Management, Senior Lecturer

Omarova Makhabat Toleuovna, master of science,
Master of Management, Senior Lecturer

Beysenalina Tolepbergenovna Saule,
Master of Mathematics, Senior Lecturer

Zhantasova Botagoz Beketovna,
master of science, teacher

Uysumbaeva Leila Maratovna, senior laboratory assistant of the department


Natalia K.

Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Ph.D., associate professor.
Phone: (7212) 44-16-34 (ext. 182)
Address: Karaganda,
st. Academic 9, office 336.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

An Education:
Higher education. In 2000 she graduated from Karaganda State University. EABuketov in "Applied Mathematics".
In 2008. defended a thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences, specialty 08.00.05 - Economy and management of national economy (by industry and occupation) on "Improving forecasting consumer demand for products in retail outlets (for example, Central Kazakhstan)."

Training courses (2013-2014 academic year):
- Bachelor:
Data analysis and forecasting of the economy.
Methods of optimal decision.
Prediction of the world economy and world commodity markets.
- Master:
Quantitative methods of analysis in marketing.
Mathematical methods for assessment and management of economic risks.
Mathematical Methods in Management (MSc University).

Educational and methodological developments:
"Mathematical modeling at the macro and micro levels," a collection of tasks, Karaganda, KEUK, 2009.
"Econometrics", textbook, Karaganda, KEUK, 2010.
"Data analysis and forecasting of the economy", textbook, Karaganda, KEUK, 2011.
"Mathematical models of social planning, forecasting, planning," a tutorial, Karaganda, KEUK, 2011.
"Mәlіmetterdі Taldau zhane ekonomikany bolzhamdau" tutorial, Karaganda, KEUK, 2013.
"Methods of making optimal decisions," Tutorial, Karaganda, KEUK, 2014.

Scientific publications:
«The analysis and the forecast of the consumer demand of Kazakhstan Sentral markets», material between. Scientific-Practical. Conference "Modern scientific achievements - 2010", Prague, «Education and Science», 2010.
"Factors attracting foreign direct investment in Kazakhstan", Proceedings of Int. scientific-theoretical. Conference "Spirituality and the economy: problems of formation of human capital", Karaganda, KEUK, 2010.
"Problems of direct investment by multinational corporations of Kazakhstan's economy," Journal of KEUK, 2010.
"Innovative methods of modeling and forecasting of investment in fixed assets", Proceedings Int. Scientific-Practical. Conference "Innovative development of modern Kazakhstan: economics, management and law", Karaganda, KEUK, 2010.
"Problems and prospects of development of small and medium business in Kazakhstan", Journal of DEs, 2011.
«Wheat Prices in Kazakhstan and World Oil Prices: Analysis and Conclusions», World Applied Sciences Journal, Pakistan, 2013.
"Models of optimization of production metal sheets for small and medium-sized businesses", "Economics and Statistics", Astana, №3, 2014.




Aytenova Mansiya Saparovna.
Associate Professor, Department, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Education: In 1989 he graduated from the Mathematics Department of the University them. EA Buketova with honors;
In 2002 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of physical - mathematical work in the specialty 010101 - Mathematical analysis on the topic "" Quality and structural characteristics of weighted Sobolev spaces and their applications in the spectral theory of differential operators. "

Training courses (2013-2014 academic year):
- Bachelor:
Mathematics 1, 2.
Mathematics in economics.
Discrete Mathematics
- Master:
Financial Mathematics

The main scientific and educational-methodical works:
Published 17 scientific papers. Works are devoted to the qualitative and structural characteristics of investments weighted spaces of differentiable functions and their applications in the spectral theory of differential operators.

Bitimhan Samat
Associate Professor, Department, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

An Education:
In 1997 he graduated from the Karaganda State University. EABuketov, specialty "Mathematics".
In 2002 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of physical - mathematical work in the specialty 010101 - Mathematical analysis on the topic: On the absolute summability and integrability of multiple trigonometric series.

Training courses (2013-2014 academic year):
1.Matematika 1, 2.
2.Matematika in the economy.

Educational and methodological developments:
29 scientific and methodical works.

Scientific publications:
Absolute summability of multiple trigonometric series. // Bulletin of the KNU, series, Mat., Mech., Inf. - Almaty, 2001.- №1 (24).
Moduli of smoothness and absolute summability of multiple trigonometric series .// Mat. Jour. - 2003.- V.3. - № 1 (7). (Co-author Akishev GA).
Sufficient conditions for the absolute summability of multiple Fourier series .// Bulletin of the University, a series of mat. -Karagandy, 2007. - №1 (45).
Absolute summability of Fourier series of monotonously decreasing function .// Abstracts of the third congress of the world mathematical society of Turkic countries (June 30-July 4, 2009). -Almaty, 2009.
On the absolute summability of multiple series with monotone coefficients .// Bulletin of Karaganda University. A series of math, -2010. -№1 (57). (Co-author M. Bitimhan).

Ashirbekova Bibisara Meyramovna

Senior lecturer.

An Education:
graduated from Karaganda Pedagogical Institute, specialty "Mathematics".

Training courses (2013-2014):
- Bachelor:
Probability theory and mathematical statistics.
Algebra and geometry.
Mathematics in economics.
Mathematical analysis.

The main scientific and educational-methodical works:
Republican scientific-practical conference "Modernization
economic and social factor of sustainable post-crisis development of Kazakhstan. "
"The five-year plan of accelerated industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan", together with the senior teacher. Shahshinoy SA, October 2009.
International Educational -practically conference "Innovative development of modern Kazakhstan: economics, management and law."
"Regional policy of Kazakhstan in the post-crisis period", together with the senior teacher. Shahshinoy SA October 2010.
Tutorial "Theory of Probability and Statistics."
Karaganda, DEs, 2009.
Tasks for SRSP on "Mathematics in the economy", co-author of Art. Ven. Omarova MT , Karaganda, KEUK, 2011.
Tutorial "Algebra and Geometry", Karaganda, KEUK, 2011.


Shahshina Svetlana Ashimovna

Senior lecturer.

Education: graduated from Karaganda Pedagogical Institute, specialty "Mathematics".

Training courses (2013-2014 academic year) in the national language:
- Bachelor:
Probability theory and mathematical statistics.
Algebra and geometry.
Mathematics in economics.
Mathematical analysis.

The main scientific and educational-methodical works:
"Econometrics" pәnі boyynsha SӨZHO-ғa arnalғan metodikalyқ nұskaular, Karaganda, KEUK, 2009.
"Algebra zhane geometry" pәnі boyynsha oқu әdіstemelіk keshenі, Karaganda, KEUK, 2009.
"Matematikalyқ analysis" pәnі boyynsha oқu әdіstemelіk keshenі, Karaganda, KEUK, 2009.
"Ekonomikadaғy mathematics" pәnі boyynsha oқu әdіstemelіk keshenі, Karaganda, KEUK, 2009.
"Algebra and Analytic Geometry", Problems, Karaganda, KEUK, 2010.
"Regional policy of Kazakhstan in the post-crisis period", Proceedings of the international. scientific and practical. Conf. "Innovative Development of Kazakhstan: economics, management and law", 2010.


Kozlova Natalia G.

Senior lecturer, master of science, master of management.

An Education.
1999-2003 - Kargil them. EA Buketova. Undergraduate. Specialty "Mathematics".
2003-2005 - Kargil them. EA Buketova. Graduate. Specialty "Mathematics".
2008-2011 - Peoples' Friendship University Masters degree in management

Training courses (2013-2014 academic year):
- Bachelor:
Mathematics in economics.
Economic-mathematical methods and models.
Data analysis forecasting the economy.

Scientific publications:
"The strategic activities of the organization of higher education in the context of resource approach." Materials of republican scientific-practical conference "Modernization of the economy and social sphere - a factor of sustainable post-crisis development of Kazakhstan", Karaganda, KEUK, October 2009 (Co-author - Omarov MT)
"Analysis and forecasting of emigration processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan." Materials of republican scientific-practical conference "Modernization of the economy and social sphere - a factor of sustainable post-crisis development of Kazakhstan", Karaganda, KEUK, October 2009 (Co-author - Omarov MT)
"Analysis of the methods of accounting for depreciation of fixed assets". Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Innovative development of modern Kazakhstan: economics, management and law", Karaganda, KEUK, October 2010 (Co-author - Omarov MT)
"Modeling of educational services using ANCOVA - model". Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Economics and Law: Current Issues and Prospects", "Karaganda, KEUK 2012
"The differentiation of wages of employees of education and health," Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference "Social modernization of Kazakhstan: background, achievements and ways of development", Karaganda, KEUK, 2012.
"The effectiveness of cash flow management system of Health at the present stage" Herald KEUK: economics, philosophy, pedagogy, law, 2012.
"Analysis of the life expectancy of the population in the Republic of Kazakhstan, depending on where you live," Proceedings of the 10th International scientific and practical conference "Science and Education", Prague, 2013.
"Models of optimization of production metal sheets for small and medium-sized businesses", "Economics and Statistics", Astana, №3, 2014.


Omarova Makhabat Toleuovna

Senior lecturer, master of science, master of management

An Education:
In 2003 she graduated from Karaganda State University named after EA Buketov specialty "Mathematics".
In 2005 she defended her master's thesis on "Mathematics" Karaganda State University named after EA Buketova (Hons).
In 2011, she graduated from a joint master's program of ore and KEUK in "Management" (specialization "General and Strategic Management").

Training courses (2013-2014 academic year):
"Mathematics in the economy";
"Algebra and Geometry";
"Mathematical analysis";
"Higher Mathematics";
"Methods of optimal decision making."

Educational and methodological developments:
"Mathematics in the economy," guidelines for the SRSP, Karaganda, KEUK 2009
"Algebra and Geometry", guidelines for the SRSP, Karaganda, KEUK 2009
"Higher Mathematics", guidelines for the SRSP, Karaganda, KEUK 2009
"Higher Mathematics", a collection of tasks for the SRSP, Karaganda, KEUK 2009
«Mathematics in Economics», a collection of tasks for the SRSP, Karaganda, KEUK, 2012

Scientific papers and publications:
"Analysis of the methods of accounting for depreciation of fixed assets", Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Innovative development of modern Kazakhstan: economics, management and law", Karaganda, KEUK, October 2010. co-authored with N. Kozlova
"Analysis of mechanisms to address the agency problem", Proceedings of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Human capital in the formation of an innovative environment and the development of the social market economy of Kazakhstan", Karaganda, KEUK Herald April 20, 2011. co-authored with N. Kozlova
"Mapping of knowledge as a tool for the analysis of organizational knowledge", Journal of DEs, 2011. co-authored with N. Kozlova
"Analysis of the effectiveness of financial risk management in achieving strategic goals NPF Kazakhstan", Karaganda, DEs Bulletin, September 2012, co-authored with Mingazova YR
"The differentiation of wages of employees of education and health", Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Social modernization of Kazakhstan: background, achievements and ways of development", Karaganda, KEUK, 25 October 2012, co-authored with N. Kozlova


Beysenalina Saul Tolepbergenovna

Senior Lecturer, Master of Mathematics

An Education:
In 2005 she graduated from Karaganda State University named after EA Buketov specialty "Mathematics";
In 2008 she defended her master's thesis on "Mathematics" Karaganda State University named after EA Buketova.

Training courses (2014-2015 academic year) in the national language:
- Bachelor:
"Mathematics in the economy";
"Economic-mathematical methods and models";
"Data analysis forecasting the economy";
"Systems analysis of industry";
"Prediction of the world economy and world commodity markets."

Scientific papers and publications:
"4-shі rettі simmetriyaly zhayly group" in the Materials Science and Engineering Conference, Karaganda, KSTU 2007 in collaboration with Zhetpisovym K .;
"Lee algebralarynyң қarapayym tүrlerі" in Proceedings of the XXXI scientific-practical conference, Karaganda, the University, May 2008 .;
"Predicate zhane қatynas ұғymdaryn oқyp үyrenudің әdіstemelіk erekshelіkterі" Karaganda, KEUK 2012.
"Analysis of the state of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan" KEUK 2012
Textbook "Mәlіmetterdі Taldau zhane ekonomikany bolzhamdau", Karaganda, KEUK, 2013.
Collection of problems "Zhoғary mathematics" KEUK, 2013.
"The strategic potential of the company and assessment of remuneration", section "Economics. Enterprise economy. Science and education - 2013/2014 "(Czech Republic, Prague).
Textbook "Economy-matematikalyқ әdіster zhane modelder", Karaganda, KEUK, 2014.


Zhantasova Botagoz Beketovna.

Lecturer, Master of Mathematics.
An Education:
In 2007 she graduated from the University them. EA Buketov specialty "Mathematics".
In 2009 she defended her master's thesis on "Mathematics" Karaganda State University named after EA Buketova.

Training courses:
Data analysis and forecasting of the economy.
Mathematical models of social planning, forecasting and planning.

Scientific works, publications:
"Matematikany oқytudaғy analogy әdіsі", "Saken tagylymy-5": Material Science and theor Conf. (23-24 April 2009). / Pavlodar, 2007.
"Ekonomikanyң strategiyalyқ damuyn basқarudaғy matematikalyқ model", "Prospects of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan in the new desyatiletiyai" Material student scientific theor conf.) / Karaganda, DEs, 2010.
"Kazakhstan ekonomikasyna postdaғdarystyқ Zhasa SWOT Analysis", Proceedings of student scientific theor. Conf.) / Karaganda, DEs, 2010.


Professional development


Professional development programs

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

For the 2023-2024 academic year


Criteria for evaluating non-formal education

help to objectively assess the results

and draw conclusions about its quality.

Your answers will allow us to identify

the strengths and weaknesses of

the informal learning process

and take measures to improve it.



For questions about conducting courses and passing training on our programs, please contact:
Karaganda, Akademicheskaya str., 9, office 107.
Contact phone number: 8(7212) 441634 (6507)
8 707 408 20 65- Sagitova Zhanel Yerbolatovna
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Head DEE

 Baikenov GulzhanGausilevna
Date and place of birth: 29/05/1963 born,

An Education:

1986 she graduated from Karaganda State University. EA Buketova.

1991 to 1994 was a graduate student at the Institute of Organic Synthesis and Coal. In January 1995, she defended her thesis (diplomҒK№ 0,001,582 dated January 6, 1995. Minutes №1).

In December 2003 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (cum ҒD number 0003496 dated September 30, 2004. Protocol №7).


job Title

Head of the Department of Ecology and evaluation

Awards and achievements




In 1994 stipendiantim.Aythozhina.

Co-author of the national veterinary antitrihofitoznogo means "Antilishay" entered in the register of veterinary drugs for the treatment of ringworm of young cattle.

From 2004 to 2007. was a member of the Dissertation Council OD 53.39.01 at IES RK, 2008 - 2010. - Dissertation Council OD 07.14.01 at KSU them. EA Buketova.

In the 2006-2007 academic year, is a member of the MES to check on compliance with the legislation of Kazakhstan on education.

Not once awarded with certificates and letters of thanks of the regional Union of Education and Science; in 2007. awarded with the diploma Akim of Karaganda region, thank-you letter from the Department of Education of Karaganda region.

Awarded the medal "25 years CHU" "For high achievements in the development of Organic Synthesis and Coal Chemistry Central Kazakhstan" by the order №14 - LS-04.12.2013 gInstituta Organic Synthesis and Chemistry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the eve of the national holiday - Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Published more than 100 scientific papers

Staff of the department


Staff of the department

Full name: Omarova Sholpan Embergenovna

- Education:
Years 1970-1975 Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Economics and Organization of Machine-Building Industry"
Years 1983-1986 Moscow Finance Academy, specialty 080013 - "Mathematical methods and the use of computer technology in economic research and management of the economy"
- Degree: candidate of economical sciences
In 1987 she defended her candidate thesis on "Mathematical and instrumental methods of economy"
- Academic title: Professor
She has over 120 scientific publications.
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Informatics
2. Economical information Systems
3. Information technologies
4. IS basis
5. New technologies in EIS
6. Database and expert systems
7. Databases in IS
8. Databases
9. Informational technologies in management



Full name: Аyazhanov Sarsen Suygenovich

- Education:
Years 1956-1961 Kirov Kazakh State University, Faculty of mathematics, specialty "Mathematics"
Years 1963-1968 Almaty Institute of National Economy, Planning and economic department, specialty "Economics"
- Degree: candidate of economic sciences
In 1978 he defended his thesis "Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics"
- Title: Professor
- Teaching disciplines (st. lang.):
1. System analysis and operations research
2. Protection of information in computer systems
3. Expert systems
4. Economic cybernetics
5. Economic information Systems
6. Certification of hardware and software
He has more than 20 publications, total number of about 50 p. each.



Full name: Аyazhanov Kuanysh Sarsenovich

- Education:
Years 1981-1986 - Karaganda Cooperative Institute, merchandising for consumer goods
- Degree: Candidate of economical sciences
- Title: Docent
- Teaching disciplines (state lang.):
1. 1C: Accounting
2. Expert systems
3. Computer graphics
4. Web-technologies
5. Fundamentals of computer modeling
6. Certification of hardware and software



Full name: Drozd Vladimir Grigoryevich

- Education:
Years 1989-1994 Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Systems of automated design", qualification "Systems engineer".
- Degree: candidate of economic sciences
In 1999 he entered postrgraduate of KazEU Almaty, specialty "Mathematical and instrumental methods of economy"
- Title: docent
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Automation of technological processes
2. Modern information systems
3. Systems of automated design
4. Automation of technological processes (advanced course)
5. Architecture of computer systems
6. Microelectronics
7. Programming technology
8. Fundamentals of computer modeling



Full name: Тen Tatyana Leonidovna

Years 1980-1985 Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Automation and mechanization of the processing and releasing the information"
- Degree: Doctor of technical sciences
In 2008 she defended her doctoral thesis on "System analysis and management of information processing" in Kazakh National Technical University named after K. Satpayev
- Title: Professor
- Teaching disciplines:
1. 1C-Accounting
2. 1C-enterprise
3. Designing the IS
4. Expert Systems
5. Modern software
6. Software of IS
7. The basis of computer modeling
8. Information theory
9. Application design
10. The system of support and decision-making
She has numerous publications in the direction of a doctoral dissertation.



Fill name: Тazhbayev Nurlan Muratovich

- Education:
Years 1994-1998 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, economist-manager
- Degree: candidate of economic sciences
- Title: docent
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Computer graphics
2. Mathematical models in computer calculations
3. Programming for the Internet
4. Information technologies in management
5. Web-technologies




Full name: Dusekeev Kanagat Abetovich

- Education:
Years 2001-2005 Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov, Faculty of mathematics, specialty 541530 - "Information systems in business"
Years 2007-2009 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Accounting and finance faculty, specialty 6N0703 - «Information Systems» (Master degree)
- Academic degree: Master of information systems
- Position: teacher
- Disciplines (state lang.):
1. Architecture of computer systems
2. Algorithmic and programming languages
3. Technical Cybernetics
4. Software of IS
5. Programming in algorithmic languages



Full name: Еsmagambetov Timur Ulykmanovich

- Education:
Years 2000-2005 Karaganda State Technical University, Faculty of information technologies, major in "Computer systems of information processing and management"
Years 2007-2009 Kokshetau University named after Myrzahmetov Abai, specialty "Information systems" (Master)
- Academic degree: Master of information systems
- Position: Teacher
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Computer networks
2. Algorithmic and programming languages
3. Informational safety and protection of the information
4. Programming in algorithmic languages
5. Technical cybernetics



Full name: Jakypbaeva Ainagul Maratovna

- Education:
Years 1994-1998 the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, specialty "Economics and Management"
Years 2009-2011 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, specialty "Management" (Master)
- Academic degree: Master of economic sciences
- Position: Senior teacher
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Information marketing
2. Database systems
3. Information Management
4. Analysis of the data in the IS
5. Computer technology assessment



Fill name: Мoldabekova Bibigul Kabykenovna

- Education:
Years 1977-1982 Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov, Department of physics, specialty "Physics"
2013 – master of USCO St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
- Position: Senior teacher
- Teaching disciplines (state lang.):
1. Informatics
2. Information Marketing
3. New technologies in EIS
4. Design of IS
5. Database systems
6. Database and expert systems
7. Economical information systems
8. Informational Management



Full name: Ibragimova Maral Sayatovna

- Education:
Years 1995-2000 Karaganda State Technical University, Faculty of information technologies, specialty "Automated information processing and management"
2013 master of USCO St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
- Position: Senior teacher
- Teaching disciplines:
1. 1C-Accounting
2. 1C-Enterprise
3. System analysis and operations research
4. Fundamentals of computer modeling
5. Models and methods of management
6. Programming Technology
7. Information theory
8. Administration of IS
9. Programming in high-level language C #
10. Economic cybernetics



Full name: Satymbekova Saida Bazarbaevna

- Education:
Years 2003-2007 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Accounting and finance faculty, specialty "Information Systems"
- Position: Teacher
- Teaching disciplines (state lang.):
1. Informatics
2. Computer networks
3. Informational Management
4. Economical Information Systems
5. Analysis of the data in the IS
6. Certification of hardware and software



Full name: Shalkibasova Gilnara Igibaevna

- Education:
Years 2005-2009 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Accounting and finance faculty, specialty "Information Systems"
Years 2009-2011 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Accounting and finance faculty, specialty "Information Systems"
- Position: teacher
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Informatics
2. Operating systems
3. Reliability of IS
4. Analysis of the data in the IS
5. Informational management



Full name: Tsitsina Anna Sergeevna

- Education:
Years 2001-2005 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Accounting and finance faculty, specialty "Information systems in economy"
- Position: Teacher
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Informatics
2. Expert systems
3. 1C-Accounting
4. 1C-Enterprise
5. Reliability of IS
6. Architecture of computer systems
7. Information theory
8. Fundamentals of information systems


Staff of the department DCC

Есенбаева Гульмира Ахмадиевна                

Esenbaeva Gulmira Ahmadievna

Position: Head of the Department of Commodity and Certification
Degree: Doctor of Education, Ph.D.
Academic / Academic title: Professor KEUK, corresponding member of RAE
Readable disciplines: "Quality Management Systems", "The accreditation of conformity assessment bodies and test centers", "Technology development of standards and regulations", "Patent", "Standardization", "Metrology, Standardization and Certification", "Conformity of goods and services ".
Scientific works, publications: more than 160 scientific papers, including 6 monographs; 35 manuals; 5 patents and certificates of authorship.
Winner of the state grant MES "The best teacher of high school" (2010), winner in the nomination "Man of the Year" (KEUK 2013)


Kaken Kairat Sattuovich

Position: Professor, Department of Commodity and Certification
Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Academic / Academic title: Professor KEUK
Readable disciplines: "Physics", "Heat", "The test, control and security", "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering."
Scientific works, publications: more than 160 scientific papers, including 6 monographs; 35 manuals; 8 patents and invention certificates.
He was voted "Best University Teacher" MES RK (2012)


Karagayev Mereke Bolatovna

Position: Associate Professor, Department of Commodity and Certification
Academic degree: PhD in Physics and Mathematics
Academic / Academic title: Associate Professor WAC
Readable disciplines: Physics (rus., Kaz.), Electrical (kaz.), Patenting (rus., Kaz), materials (rus., KAZ) teoriyalyқ mechanics (KAZ), theoretical mechanics (rus)
Scientific works: 14 scientific papers, 5 manuals: "Physics-1", "Physics-2", "Patent", "Material", "Electrical negіzderі."

Staff of the department DCC  

Zakarin Sagingali Zakariyanovich

Position: Associate Professor, Department of Commodity and Certification
Degree: Ph.D.
Academic / Academic title: Associate Professor KEUK
Readable disciplines: chemistry: inorganic and organic chemistry; Physical and Colloid Chemistry; technology of structural materials and heat treatment; Equipment food production; monitoring and evaluation of the quality of raw materials and food products.
Scientific works, publications: Copyright certificate USSR 5 copyright certificates of Kazakhstan. Published 60 articles and abstracts; 5 manuals: "Chemistry" in 2006; "Concepts of modern science" 2004; "Technology of construction materials" 2008; "Konstruktsiyalyқ Materialdary tehnologiyasy zhane termoөңdeu" 2012 "Production line of food products", Part 1, 2014, 1 electronic textbook.


Dzhazykbaeva Baldyrgan Koldaspaevna

Position: Art. Lecturer, Department of Commodity and Certification
Academic degree: PhD students
Academic / Academic title: Master
Readable disciplines: Examination of quality goods and services, Quality Management System, Standardization, Technology Basics PP.
Scientific works, publications: more than 25 scientific articles, 2 textbooks

Staff of the department DCC  

Karimov Bakytgul Nurlanovna

Position: Associate Professor, Department of Commodity and Certification
Degree: Ph.D.
Academic / Academic title: Associate Professor KEUK
Readable disciplines: Organic Chemistry (rus., Kaz.), Physical and Colloid Chemistry (rus., Kaz.) Qualimetry (KAZ), standardization (KAZ), technology standards development (KAZ), metrology (Kazakh), metrological provision of production (KAZ)
Scientific works, publications: more than 15 scientific articles, 2 copyright certificates of RK, 2 manuals


Akhmetov Ayman Beybutovna

Position: Art. Lecturer, Department of Commodity and Certification
Degree: Master
Readable disciplines: Metrological support of production, Metrology, The General Theory of measurements, food safety, product quality Expertise
Scientific works, publications: monograph "Status and prospects of development of mechanisms of complex processing of coal Karaganda coal basin RK" textbook "General Theory of Measurements", 3 electronic textbooks. Published 26 articles.

Staff of the department DCC  

Torzhanova WALKING Zhumanovna

Position: Lecturer
Degree: Master of "Standardization, Metrology and Certification"
Readable disciplines: Examination of quality goods and services, Quality Management System, Quality control and evaluation of raw materials and PP, Standardization, Technology Basics PP.
Scientific works, publications: Published 7 articles, textbook "International standardization"

Staff of the department DCC  

Erubaev Dinara Shayhanovna

Position: Lecturer
Degree: Master of "Standardization, Metrology and Certification"
Readable disciplines: Organic Chemistry (rus., Kaz.), Physical and Colloid Chemistry (rus., Kaz.) Qualimetry (KAZ), standardization (KAZ), technology standards development (KAZ), metrology (Kazakh), metrological provision of production (KAZ)
Scientific works, publications: more than 15 scientific articles, 2 copyright certificates of RK, 2 manuals

Staff of the department DCC   Isabaeva hulsite Maksutovna

Position: Art. Lecturer, Department of Commodity and Certification
Degree: Ph.D.
Readable disciplines: analytical chemistry, general chemistry, technology of Clinical Nutrition (Kazakh, Russian) technology features national and international cuisine, food technology sectors (Kazakh, Russian) food production technology, service in catering, aesthetics and standard.
Scientific works, publications: more than 30 scientific articles, 4 Tutorial: organic chemistry, chemistry for the specialty ecology, analytical chemistry, emdіk tamaқtanu tehnologiyasy. 1 electronic textbook - analytical chemistry. 4 case - the technology of food in catering, konservіler, balyқ zhane balyқ Onimderi, is a zhane Onimderi.

  Mukhametzhanov Timur V.

Position: Lecturer
Degree: Master of "Technology of food products"
Readable disciplines: Organization of enterprises on OD, Technology features national and international cuisine, food technology in RD, Microbiology, monitoring and evaluation of the quality of raw materials and PP OTRD, Technology Basics PP.
Scientific works, publications: 5 scientific articles.

  Heat Jeanne Zhanibekovna

Position: Lecturer
Degree: Master of "Technology of food products"
Readable disciplines: Organization of enterprises on OD, Technology features national and international cuisine, food technology in RD, Microbiology, monitoring and evaluation of the quality of raw materials and PP OTRD, Technology Basics PP, PP production equipment, processes and devices, Commodity PP, sanitation and Hygiene (KAZ).
Scientific works, publications: 5 articles.

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