Modern Eco-Technologies of Sustainable Development: the Experience of the EU and Kazakhstan


Project Title: Jean Monnet Module "Modern Eco-Technologies of Sustainable Development: the Experience of the EU and Kazakhstan"

Duration: October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2026

Project team, staff and experts:

Baikenova G.G. - Project Coordinator, Doctor of Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Ecology and Assessment.
Benz T.V., Master of Ecology, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Ecology and Assessment.
Kuanyshbaev M.T., Master of Natural Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Ecology and Assessment.

Project's Objective: To study the experience of EU countries and transfer European knowledge and practices in the field of eco-technologies aimed at comprehensive and sustainable development in accordance with the economic, ecological, and social needs of both the European Union and Kazakhstan.

Target Audience: Students from various educational programs with an interest in environmental conservation, employees of non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and other stakeholders involved in the implementation of sustainable development strategies.

Upon the completion of the project, we expect that Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz will continue to play a significant role in promoting sustainable development, environmental protection, and the green economy at the local and regional levels. The university has a track record of successfully implementing projects related to sustainable development, including:

- "Analysis of Opportunities for the Transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a 'Green' Economy."
- "Environmental Culture of Modern Society in the Context of the 'Green' Economy."
- "European Practices in Sustainable Development Management on the Path to Green Transformation."
- "Ensuring the Safety of Food Products in Compliance with Standards."
- "Organizational and Economic Mechanisms for Environmental Protection in the Republic of Kazakhstan."
- "Modeling the Macroeconomic Effects of Environmental Regulation in Kazakhstan within the Framework of Computable General Equilibrium," among others.

We anticipate that the knowledge and experience gained from the Jean Monnet Module project will further enhance the university's capacity to contribute to sustainability, environmental protection, and the development of a green economy in both local and regional contexts.

The project "Modern Eco-Technologies of Sustainable Development: the Experience of the EU and Kazakhstan" unites and integrates knowledge from natural, social, and engineering sciences in one of the fastest-growing sectors globally - eco-technologies. It provides a comprehensive systemic perspective on the relationships between the environment, society, and the natural resources of our planet.

The skills and competencies acquired by students through the study of the module, based on the experience of the European Union in ecological, social, and economic factors, will contribute to the promotion of sustainable development principles and the implementation of the "green economy" and resource-saving technologies (cutting-edge techniques/technologies) in Kazakhstan.

In the long term, the module's program envisions the development of a labor market with professionals possessing expertise in eco-technologies. This, in turn, will enable them to make informed decisions in environmental management, prioritizing the preservation of environmental quality.

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