Department "Information and Computing Systems"

Description of specia



Department of "Computer processing of economic information" (CPEI) as a part of the Karaganda Cooperative Institute was established on September 1, 1982. at the Faculty of accounting and economics. In February 1986, the department was renamed from CPEI to "Information and Computing Systems" (ICS). Currently, the head of the department is, professor Omarova SH.E.
The task of the department is to prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of information systems and technologies.
The development strategy of the department is focused on a new quality of education and increasing the competitiveness of graduates by connecting the education, research, practical activities of students and teachers into a single process. It can be achieved by improving the quality of student recruitment and radical improvement of teaching.
The total number of teachers of the department with whom there are signed employment contracts - 28 people. Number of PTS, working full-time - 19 people, 0.25 and 0.5 rate – 9 people. The average age - 36 years. Number of candidates and doctors of sciences - 11 people. Their share as a percentage of the total number is 47.8%. Number of doctors of sciences – 4. Their share in the percentage ratio of the total number of teaching staff is 17.4%. Number of candidates of sciences - 7 people. Their share as a percentage of the total number of PTS is 30.4%. The number of stuff teaching in the national language - 9 teachers. All teachers have a basic education.
The department conducts training in two specialties:
1) 5V070300 - Information Systems
2) 5V070400 - Computer science and software
The department currently has modern educational resources. Classrooms, the number of computer labs and teaching software meet the needs of the educational process and the objectives of training in educational programs.
Computer labs are equipped with modern computers and fully meet the needs of the educational process and research activities of teachers and students, as well as sanitary and epidemiological norms and requirements.
In a process of conducting lectures the department uses the testing programs, learning systems, automated collections of tasks, problem-oriented packages "1C:Accounting", "Altyn", "Luka", electronic textbooks.
The department includes a laboratory for the development of software packages (software) that includes 5 computer classes (252 m2, total 68 computers). Total number of computers in the department is 68 pcs.
ICS department provides not only the training of young professionals, but also their education of high moral principles. Almost all of the teachers of the department are the curators of student groups.
The department participates in the development of educational programs to train IT professionals along with the University of SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization). In year 2010 19 graduates received a master's degree with the SCOU program and are studying in the universities of the Russian Federation that are the Astrakhan State University, St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Novosibirsk State University.
It has become a tradition at the Department to conduct an annual games among students like "Brain Ring", "Self game" that are dedicated to computer science and information technologies, as well as educational activities as "Autumn bal", "Last bell".
ICS department systematically monitors the employability of graduates. The department has an electronic database of graduates of the specialty, which is updated regularly, in the analytical notes to the annual work plan of the department are given analyzes of the realization of the work plan of the graduate's employment. The annually fair of employment takes place in the university with the participation of heads of leading companies, enterprises and organizations of the region.
The percentage of graduate's employment is 87%.


Address: Karaganda, ul. academic 9


44-1634 (158.159)
44-16-24 (158.159)








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