Faculty of Distance Learning (FDL)


Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz offers higher education using a new technology - distance learning. The organization of the learning process in this direction is carried out by the Faculty of Distance Learning (FDL).

The aim of the faculty: training of highly qualified specialists based on modern information technologies. 

 The main objectives of the organization of the educational process in the university with the use of distance education technologies are individualization of learning, expansion of the educational environment in KarUK, creation of conditions for lifelong learning, implementation of needs in educational services, development of a unified educational space.

The main advantages of distance learning are a modern approach to training, intensive digitalization and development of Internet technologies in education, free access to educational materials and other information resources, greater mobility for young people and the possibility of simultaneous training in Kazakhstan and abroad, increasing the number of students with special needs and the development of inclusive education.

Distance learning in KarUK is provided through:

  • educational portal plt.keu.kz,
  • server of technological support of distance learning,
  • local network with Internet access,
  • content bank for all disciplines in the information system PLATONUS, MOOC on keu.kz.

The contingent of the FDL students is represented by graduates of colleges and higher educational institutions, young parents, top managers of well-known companies, heads of government agencies, which speaks about the multifaceted opportunities offered by the faculty.

Graduates of the distance learning faculty of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz are stably demanded in the labor market. Many of them have made a brilliant professional career, occupy leading positions in public service and business.

Address Akademicheskaya str., 9
- 131 cab. - Dean
- 143 cab. - deputy dekana
- 129 room- methodologists
- 145 cab. - tutors
Tel: (87212) 44-16-27;
(87212) - 44-16-24 (ext. 6565) - Dean
(87212) 44-16-25 (87212) 44-16-24 (ext.109) - deputy dekana
E-mail: ZvFDE_keu@mail.ru

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